Neomorphs, Praetomorphs, Ultramorphs, and Xenomorphs—forget anything and everything you’ve heard before about facing off against aliens. Ignore the macho bravado you’ve overheard drunken marines spout at bars—especially those with no scars on their faces and all their limbs intact. They are cocky and alive because they haven’t actually seen a xeno in real life. If they knew anything worthwhile about these things, they would be shaken and reserved. If you see a xeno, you do one thing: run. You don’t stand a chance, you never did and you never will. You think you’ve got superior firepower in your hands? Use all your big and fancy toys to cover your escape, but get the hell out of there.   While the classic Xenomorph XX121 (P. praepotens) is the one whispered about most on the Frontier, there are also other breeds created by the various strains of the xenovirus pathogen. A range of them are presented below, but there are several others that will be detailed in further supplements. Each one of these xeno types is terrifying in its own way, and will give you something to suffer PTSD over—if you can get out alive.
"You still don't understand what you're dealing with, do you? Perfect. Organism. Its structural perfection is matched only by its hostility."
"You admire it.”
“I admire its purity. A survivor... unclouded by conscience, remorse, or delusions of morality.”
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
P. Praepotens
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In combat, Xenomorphs follow special rules—primarily, they have a Speed rating and they have signature attacks.  
Xenomorphs don’t have Attributes like humans. They can use specific skills, and then roll a number of Base Dice equal to their skill level only. Xeno­morphs can have skill levels much higher than humans. They never push rolls.  
Most Xenomorphs also have a thick hide, resistant to attacks, giving them a natural Armor Rating.  
When a Xenomorph is reduced to zero Health, it isn’t Broken in the way a human is. Instead, roll a D6 on the critical injury table below.  
Some Xenomorphs have special actions beyond their signature attacks. This is specified under each Xenomorph description.  


Xenomorphs are often much faster than human beings. This is represented by their Speed rating. Speed has two uses:  
  • In stealth mode, the Xenomorph can move two zones per point of Speed each Turn. Humans can move two zones, i.e. they have a Speed of 1.
  • In combat, a Xenomorph gets to act once for each point of Speed in each Round. Draw one initiative card for each point of Speed. At each point of action, the Xeno­morph gets to perform one fast and one slow action.

    Most Xenomorphs attack only in close combat, at ENGAGED range. However, they don’t make ordinary close-combat attacks. Instead, each time a Xeno­morph attacks, roll a D6 on a table for the creature’s signature attacks, and resolve the effects. Some signature attacks are extremely deadly.  
    Unless stated otherwise, a signature attack can be blocked, but doing so requires some form of weapon or blunt instrument.  

    Articles under THE XENOMORPHS

    Cover image: by DALLE


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