(a.k.a. NEWT)

Rebecca Jorden, known to most people as "Newt", was the sole survivor from the Hadley's Hope settlement on Acheron following a Xenomorph infestation at the colony. She was the daughter of Russ and Anne Jorden and younger sister to Timmy Jorden. The United States Colonial Marine Corps unit which was dispatched to the moon in 2179 discovered her hiding in the colony's ventilation system. She subsequently became close to Ellen Ripley, acting as a surrogate daughter to her. Ripley would later risk her own life to rescue Newt from the Xenomorph Hive.   Newt was one of four people to survive the infestation on LV-426, along with Ripley, Corporal Hicks and the android Lance Bishop, who was badly damaged. She later died when an EEV carrying her crashed on Fiorina "Fury" 161, causing her cryo-chamber to be flooded with water.


Family Ties

Russ Jorden (father)
Anne Jorden (mother)
Timmy Jorden (brother)
"My mommy always said there were no monsters, no real ones, but there are."
— Newt
Date of Birth
March 15, 2173
Date of Death
August 8, 2179
2173 2179 6 years old
Place of Death
Aligned Organization

Cover image: by DALLE


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