Sevastopol Station was a large space station orbiting the gas giant KG-348. Originally constructed to exploit the rich mineral wealth of KG-348 and service the trade routes between Earth and the Outer Rim,the station fell into decline due to economic fluctuations and the re-routing of the Sol–Thedus flight path.   Sevastopol was a massive space station, nearly eighteen kilometers across. It served as a freeport and commercial outpost in the Zeta Reticuli sector. It had a permanent resident population of 500, although the station was large enough to house around 3000 inhabitants.  


Construction of Sevastopol began in 2095, the work carried out by Lorenz SysTech Development and funded by GeoFund Investor. The station finally opened on August 4, 2105, two years behind schedule. However, almost immediately the project ran into a major setback — Sevastopol had been constructed with the intention of selling the station to a corporate owner, yet none were forthcoming. As such, ownership reverted to GeoFund, and the station was operated instead as a freeport with no commercial ties. Sevastopol's opening also coincided with tumult in the space race. Years of mismanagement, and the eventual re-routing of the Sol-Thedus flight path, left the station in danger of being decommissioned. It was eventually purchased by Seegson in 2124, the company aiming to re-energize the station and transform it into a cosmopolitan hub.   Though Seegson's significant investment managed to keep the station active and profitable for another decade, by 2136 Sevastopol was once again in dire financial straits. Seegson's business strategy of focusing on the development of exoplanet-based orbital facilities failed to compete with the colonization and terraforming work of other organizations, most notably the Weyland-Yutani Corporation. On February 17, 2136, Seegson pulled funding from the Gemini Exoplanet Solutions team on Sevastopol due to budget cuts. It was to be an omen for the future — by late 2137, Seegson had decided to cut its losses and decommission Sevastopol, and on October 28 the decision was announced to the station's inhabitants. The station itself was put up for sale. As the slow shutdown of Sevastopol progressed, its workforce was gradually reduced to a human skeleton crew and a contingent of Seegson-produced Working Joe androids.   In 2137 the station suffered an accidental detonation of its reactor, this caused it to deorbit and be destroyed as it entered the atmospher of KG-358.
Founding Date
Orbital, Station
Parent Location
Owning Organization

Cover image: by DALLE


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