Whispers persist among the outer colonies and deep space explorers about a derelict Engineer space station drifting aimlessly within the enigmatic boundaries of the Dark Zone. According to the rumor, this ancient vessel is not just a relic of a bygone era but the very source of the Dark Zone’s bizarre phenomena. The tale is shrouded in mystery, and no one can pinpoint where it originated, but it has captured the imaginations of many.   The story goes that unmanned drones sent into the Dark Zone have occasionally picked up faint signals resembling distress calls, eerily similar to those of known Engineer technologies. The signals are intermittent and garbled, but those who claim to have deciphered them report a haunting message of a lost and doomed crew.   Supposedly, the Engineer station is infested with Xenomorphs, turning it into a floating nightmare. The ship, according to the rumor, acts as a breeding ground for these deadly organisms, continuously emanating strange energy fields that extend the boundaries of the Dark Zone.   Several expeditions have allegedly been launched to locate the derelict, but none have returned. Unmanned probes that managed to transmit data before going dark have shown distorted images of an immense, alien craft entangled in bio-mechanical structures, with what appears to be Xenomorph activity.   Weyland-Yutani and the United Americas Allied Command have not confirmed any of these reports, maintaining official silence on the matter. However, there are whispers within the scientific and military communities that covert missions have been planned to retrieve whatever technology or biological samples can be found on the ship.   The exact coordinates and the true nature of the ship remain elusive, but the rumor has spurred a wave of curiosity and fear among those who traverse the far reaches of space. Many believe that the Engineer ship is the key to understanding the Dark Zone and possibly even controlling its anomalies.  


  While official sources dismiss these claims as baseless, the persistence and detail of the rumors suggest there might be a kernel of truth. The validity of these stories as canon has been questioned, but in a universe as vast and mysterious as ours, who can say what is real and what is myth?
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Cover image: by DALLE


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