The Frontier is the farthest known area of space within any territory—and it’s where you are most likely to be spending your time trying to build a life and make a buck. While the Outer Rim might be beyond the Outer Veil, the void is vast, and the Frontier cuts through the Outer Veil and Outer Rim before moving on into the unknown depths of space. Sectors which touch upon the Frontier include Tartarus, Bao Sau, and Sector 87. As such, some planets and systems on the Frontier are also located within those areas. Frontier stations such as Anchorpoint act as a neutral zone for all corporations and governments. Backwater colonies like Bowen’s Landing, LV-492, and LV-422 lie on the Frontier along the Far Reach of the American Arm—an area of UA aggressive expansion that extends well past the Outer Rim. While part of the United Americas and protected by the Outer Rim Defense Fleet, mining and shipping hubs like Thedus and the Solomons are open to all entrepreneurs and pioneers. There are well-established star lanes to and from these distant worlds, but the space those routes cross through is between Frontier zones and therefore uncharted, unexplored, and dangerous. It’s always recommended that ships stay at FTL speeds in these sectors.

Articles under THE FRONTIER

Cover image: by DALLE


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