Each of the trinary stars of Gamma Leporis has one world within its habitable zone, and all three were at one time colonized. Only one of those colonies has thrived. Dubbed Terraform 3, the planet listed below is actually the third attempt to terraform a planet in the Gamma Leporis system.   The first, orbiting Gamma Leporis B, ended in catastrophic failure when an asteroid collided with the planet. The second is more confusing. Contact was lost with the Seegson sponsored terraforming colony orbiting Gamma Leporis C in 2175. When the company went to investigate, they found that all the colonists had simply disappeared without a trace. The colony itself was undisturbed, save for the fact that the atmospheric processor had been shut down. The planet is generally avoided and whatever happened remains a mystery to this day.   Six weeks after the USS Sulaco journeyed to Acheron (LV-426), the ship was declared overdue and a search was initiated. Shortly after, it was located adrift near Gamma Leporis in the Outer Rim, before it was intercepted by the USS Sephora 2nd Battalion, 9th Regiment.
Solar System
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Cover image: by DALLE


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