Located outside the Outer Rim, Thedus was originally mistaken for a small gas giant due to its thick and cloudy atmosphere. Instead, it turned out to be a large terrestrial world with heavy metal deposits. The planet is rich in natural ores, a fact that Weyland-Yutani has taken advantage of for more than a century via extensive mining operations. Vast sections of the planet’s surface have been strip-mined, leaving behind huge gouges and deep canyon trenches. Much of the material exported from the far Frontier is routed through either Thedus or Anchorpoint Station before heading to the Outer Veil and Core Systems.   Due to a severe environmental accident in 2109, parts of the planet were rendered uninhabitable for many decades. A miners’ revolt over poor living conditions led to the troop carrier UAS Archangel being deployed to the planet in order to keep the peace. Through a series of classified events, the Archangel crashed, destroying one of the planet’s atmospheric processors and causing the deaths of over 15,000 civilians and marines. As of the 2180s, renewed terraforming has repaired much of the planetary damage, but Thedus’ atmosphere is still cold.  


Initially mistaken for a small gas giant, Thedus was in fact a terrestrial planet loaded with heavy metal veins that were quickly and heavily exploited by the Weyland-Yutani Corporation for more than a century, leaving much of the planet's surface riven with huge gouges and deep canyon–like trenches. Alongside Anchorpoint Station, Thedus was a transit point for exported materials being moved from the Frontier to the Outer Veil and Core Systems.   During the Torin Prime uprising in 2106, J'har advisors fomented a labor dispute on Thedus to disrupt the United Americas' military supply lines to Torin Prime; this dispute lasted four months.[3]   In 2109, Thedus suffered a severe environmental accident that rendered parts of the planet uninhabitable for decades, followed by a miners' revolt over poor living conditions. The incident forced the United Americas to deploy the United Americas Outer Rim Defense troop carrier UAS Archangel on a peacekeeping mission to Thedus. On December 25th, 2109, for unknown, classified reasons, the Archangel crashed into an atmospheric processor, destroying the site and killing 15,293 civilians and marines. The incident vetoed the UAORD expansion initiative and led to its restructuring into the Outer Rim Defense Fleet.   In 2121, Thedus was the last port of call for the commercial towing vehicle USCSS Nostromo before the ship went missing alongside the Tesotek 2100-B refinery it was towing in 2122.[2] As of the 2180s, most of the historic damage effected on Thedus' surface had been repaired via terraforming.  

Climate and terrain

Though cold, Thedus' atmosphere was breathable for humans, with a mean temperature of 8°C. Thedus was mainly terrestrial, with the planet containing various heavy metal deposits.  


Thedus' key resources included yttrium, niobium, helium-3, and other rare earth metals.  


As of 2183, Thedus' human population stood at 2,000,000.  

Points of interest

The United States Colonial Marine Corps Eridani Marine Space Force garrison was stationed on Thedus. The Weyland–Yutani Corporation maintained one of its main offices on Thedus.  
Location under
Owning Organization

Cover image: by DALLE


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