The Montero is of the same series of starfreighter as the Nostromo, save that it is a newer model with some minor upgrades. The most important distinction is that the Montero has standard Saturn J 3000 engines, instead of the Rolls-Royce N66 Cyclone upgrades that the Nostromo had. As such, she is not rated as a commercial tug. She is fitted to haul cargo internally like a standard freighter, and has a cavernous bay with ventral access.  
The Montero’s bay is currently full of 72 high-pressure tanks carrying 200,000 tons of aging yet still highly flammable Tritium. The volatile nature of Tritium means that it can be a bitch to transport, but by the time this shipment reaches port it will have completed radioactive decay into Helium-3—a safe and clean energy source used throughout the colonies. Each tank is half the size of a tanker trailer. When the adventure begins, about half of the gas is still flammable. Extreme caution is advised. To ferry cargo to and from low orbit, the Montero is equipped with an ailing WY-37B Flatbed Cargo Lifter called Daisy.  
The Montero is equipped with a 10-meter-long passageway umbilical, which can be used to connect to the airlocks of other spacecraft and thus allow passage without the need for a spacewalk.  
Owning Organization

Cover image: by DALLE


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