The settlement was comprised of an industrial maze of narrow, fully enclosed streets and alleyways lined with shops and vendors. The residential levels stood from three to five stories above street level; the biggest of these were private residences established as soon as the colony was built.[1] These buildings were made from salvaged and recycled goods wwith an emphasis on reducing excess waste, and they expanded only at the rate that raw materials could be acquired from off-world. The population count stood at about five thousand colonists.   Ninety percent of the colony's food was grown within the city in gardens while the colony's meat was vat-grown. The rest was shipped in from two small seasteads about a hundred miles from the settlement.   The colony was centred around its launch port and surrounded by a wall fifteen feet high and a polished self-cleaning, self-repairing and non-stick plastic dome with a hole at the center, from which shuttles could take off and set down. The biodome was made from polarized glass that filtered the orange light of Zagreus' atmosphere into a more Earth-like blue that crops could recognize.  


Zagreus was a relatively new colony stablished in the late 22nd century by Weyland-Yutani Corporation, the settlement was built around the launchport with pieces of the dismantled colony ship and other materials. Instead of spreading out into the new world, the colonists cramped together in towers and warehouses surrounded by a thick wall and protected by a translucent dome which changes the atmosphere's orange color into an Earth-like blue. It was speculated by Dr. Katherine Shipp that colonists build in this way influenced by the way of life in their previous home, if the colony had open spaces, the next will be a bunch of crammed towers.
"I’ve always hated the Zagreus colony, with its high walls and its thick metal and its sterile construction."
— Olivia Shipp
Outpost / Base
Location under
Owning Organization

Cover image: by DALLE


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