The end of the Weyland Era

Political event


Having bled their resources dry, Weyland Corp mining operations throughout the Outer Veil begin to tap out. The disappearance of both the company’s founder and the CEO on the Prometheus mission spells the end of the Weyland Era. In his quest to dominate the stars, Peter Weyland had spread the company too thin. With his genius and Meredith Vickers’ business savvy no longer part of the equation, Weyland Corp’s stock drastically drops. Several spinward Outer Veil colonies are abandoned and assets are sold. The Weyland Era ends. After the acquisition of several Weyland subsidiaries, Yutani Corporation merges with Weyland Corp to form the Weyland-Yutani Corporation. In the interest of assuring the many colonies spread throughout the Outer Veil that they will be cared for, Yutani allows the media to believe Weyland Corp purchases them

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