The Colony Wars

Military: War


The USCMC puts down a miners’ revolt on the colony of Berringett’s Moon. Mistreated colonies turn against corporations, governments, and each other. The Colony Wars begin. The Charybdis colony on Hasanova Data Solutions is invaded by USCMC forces. The ICSC accuses the USCMC of committing war crimes on Hasanova. When the UA refuses responsibility for the Charybdis incident, the ICSC declares war on the UA. New Albion in the Weyland Isles declares its independence from the Three World Empire. They launch an offensive to take the colony on LV-187, using an unknown weapon referred to as Project X. UPP, ICSC, and New Albion’s forces stand off in the system. The 3WExit begins as other colonies follow New Albion’s lead. NAPRO is formed

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