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Bryn Shander Stables

This is one of the largest buildings in town. Its entrance opens onto a stair leading up to a second floor, which is the private living space of Baugh Wolfherder and his wife Fhai Kua. The second floor is centered around a common area, from which three small passages extend, each with a pair of doors opening off of them. One of these passages includes a spiral staircase returning to the ground floor, from which lively barking is heard. The ground floor consists of a huge barn divided into smaller animal kennels and a storage room for sleds. A large double door opens to the back of the building.   They buy, sell, and rent sleds, dogs, and axe beaks.   Baugh is a soft-hearted person presenting himself as a quiet and unapproachable orc. He whispers in Fhai’s ear when he wants her to relay a message because he is embarrassed by the discrepancy between his muscular build and his heavy lisp. Fhai fell in love with him precisely because of this awkwardness. Fhai is rough around the edges but tries to be a welcoming person to support Baugh. If someone makes fun of her beloved, she gets enraged and shows people that she hasn’t forgotten her old days as an adventurer.  

Axe Beak Course

Baugh can teach characters how to handle axe beaks. Training takes three hours and costs 10 gp per person. To successfully learn these skills, a character must roll three DC 10 Wisdom (Animal Handling) checks and succeed on at least two of them. A character who passed the training no longer has disadvantage when handling axe beaks.   Fhai is working on a custom-made sled in the barn. It will be slightly bigger, offering more room, and will allow it to be pulled by eight instead of six dogs.  
Dog, Trained50gp6d10
Axe Beak, Trained50gp3d8
Parent Location


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