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The Northlook

Inn and tavern   The Northlook is the inn most frequented by mercenaries and adventurers, and as such it’s the rowdiest and most dangerous place to stay in Bryn Shander. At the same time, its taproom is the best place in all of Ten-Towns to get leads on profitable ventures, along with the latest news and rumors. The proprietor, a retired sellsword who goes by the name Scramsax, takes advantage of the high hopes and good fortunes of his customers by charging the most exorbitant rates in town. Knowing full well the cycles of an adventurer’s life, Scramsax often cuts a break for customers who are between jobs, allowing them to stay on credit and then presenting them with a bill inflated by interest charges as soon as they make their next payday. Those who don’t pay discover that the old mercenary still remembers how to handle a blade, and that he doesn’t take "later" or “no money” for an answer.   Characters who hang out in the tavern are likely to hear a rumor or two.
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