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Kadu’S Wondrous Scrolls

The shop’s entrance is adorned with a curled sheet of copper engraved with arcane runes symbolizing a spell scroll. The interior walls are made from duskwood, helping to keep the weather and especially the humidity outside. The orderly interior includes a counter lined with decorated ink vials and pens fashioned from feathers of different birds.   Kadu “Owl” Banfyx prefers to spend her days inside her shop, having as little contact with others as possible. The golden-eyed gnome wears thick spectacles. She lets customers browse her wares openly displayed in glass cases while she sits quietly behind the counter on a pile of cushions, thinking about her poems or novels. In an attempt to be polite, she created an illusion of herself which smiles and makes inviting gestures to customers.  


Blank Scroll
Blank Spell Book

Spell Scrolls

Absorb elements, charm person, chromatic orb, comprehend languages, detect magic, disguise self, fog cloud, mage armor, magic missile, silent image, tenser’s floating disk, unseen servant 75gp
Arcane lock, blur, darkvision, hold person, invisibility, knock, locate object, mirror image, phantasmal force, see invisibility, suggestion 150gp
Blink, clairvoyance, dispel magic, hypnotic pattern, major image 300gp

Spell Books

Shop, Magic
Parent Location


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