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No one really knows where Kromide comes from and there are some who outright believe that it is a myth altogether. Tales say that kromide has the ability bend minds and warm understanding, it allegedly makes people confused and there in docile and suggestible. Some even go so far as to say kromide could be used to suggest one man into killing another, but this is largely unfounded. In truth Kromide is manufactured through a complicated system of distilling down and refining a range of different ingredients, no recipe or methodology exists anywhere, and those who do know of it are told by someone else and forced to memorize it, the network of sharing the recipe is the closest thing to an official poisoner's guild that the country has. Even then it takes a level of skill knowledge and practice to successfully put it off. Someone who knows the recipe would be a valuable asset. (see Ache for the poisoners' tale)   Kromide must be applied and absorbed through the skin, and takes mere seconds to be absorbed, the effects are felt immediately. The victim experiences lethargy, and difficulty concentrating, and the symptoms progress it leads to hallucinations and a psychosis state. what the Victim experiences can be influenced by outside forces and can include visual, auditory and olfactory hallucinations. There is no cure for the poison it must simply be waited out by the victim. Kromide is easy to overdose on if too much is applied, the victim will experience numbness, loss of dexterity and chest pain. often times the victim will experience the symptoms briefly before careening towards a full overdose, at this stage there is little that can be done to prevent death and only time will tell if the victim survives.   Although it is not the most efficient poison, it can be used by assassins to murder someone as initially the effects are not too dissimilar to drunkenness. Kromide leaves no visible sign on the victim making it easy to confuse with other causes of death. Interestingly enough drinking alcohol has shown to diminish the effects of kromide making the poison less effective.   Kromide has a low addition rate, as it is hard to find, few people survive it and it has less enjoyable side effects than other substances like Velvet or Ache Contraband kromide is considered one of a number of Contraband Items its manufacture and possession will result in instant arrest and confiscation. As kromide and be fatal it carries up to a life sentence in prison.
Item type
Drug / Narcotic / Medicine
Kromide is extremely rare.

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