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The Deer Thicket

Weather you call it 'Deer Thicket' in common tongue or 'Yimfraen' as the orcs who live there do. The name refers to a large band of wooded area with centuries old trees that spire towards the sky. The undergrowth is made of ancient roots all gnarled together and large moss covered boulders that make the path trecherous to walk. Burbling rivers run coarsely between the masive trunks, steeply dropping into a river bank. To better navigate the forest floor some of the orc folk, those who traverse between their village Rakside/ The Rakes' Hide with goods to barter have set up blunt wooden posts which jutt from the earth and can be stepped across is one is agile enough. They also serve to moor a boat in the nearby river to speedy expedition.   The Deer Thicket Orcs have been living in the forest since it was saplings, growing alongside it and cultivating it in turn it is thanks to the orcish care that the forest in in such good condition. The orc have bult their homes in treehouse constructs woven between sturdy branches made from felled logs and the rich clay deposits that the earth has to offer.   Deer Thicket is the former home of Asper


The population is made solely of the deer thicket orcs.


The Deer Thicket clan is run as a tight-knit community, there is no hierachy and everyone is of the same standing. This clan conducts business matters in clearing at the forest floor in the centre of the town. It importantly is an area that every orc can reach and is within earshot of the Aspers .


The Deer Thicket has two watchmen stationed to watch over the perimeter of the thicket. It is also a sacred duty of the asper to keep watch as well.  Orcish warrioirs are also known for their prowess as they are physically capable and have keen senses, mostorcs in the village aquire some form of fighting training, as it is taught to children as part of their development.

Industry & Trade

The Thicket is not along any specific trade route as they are rarely met with outsiders, when seeking to trade, the orcs send out a specific party, loaded with goods to trade hubs such as Rakside/ The Rakes' Hide


The primary structures are treehouses built from mud and clay, That sit high up in the branches and are connected by wooden bridges this area also holds roostarys for raising hunting falcons and tappers for harvesting natural resins. There are huts on the ground where some orcs may choose to live particularly the eledery or non-able bodies, or those who need to tend to tasks on the ground. The ground level contains logs for growing mushrooms, pens for medium-sized livestock and kilns for firing earthanware pottery.   There is large branch in the highest tree where their current asper is stationed.


The area has an abundance of clay deposits, And old large trees which provide lumbar and can be tapped for resin, the Difficult to reach clearing makes it easy to fortify. And nearby rivers to large enough for boats and to fish in. There are no traditional road or paths into the thicket which makes them more protected from outsiders.
Alternative Name(s)
Yimfraen (Orcish)
Inhabitant Demonym
Deer Thicket Clan

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