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Aspers are a sacred role within the culture of Orcs, and play an integral part in Orcish Faith although an asper isn't required for a sucessful orcish community having one is very advantagous.   Aspers are rare, with most communities having one born every second generation or so, though some communities can go much, much longer. They are typically born smaller than other orcish infants and commonly have white vitilligo-like patches on their skin, or white sections of hair. They also tend to be born with intersex characteristics. All children born with the vitilligo are given the name Asper at birth denoting their potential for becoming a spiritual leader. Asper is not just a name it is a rank, title and gender. multiple aspers can be born leading to multiple orcs called the same name but is quite rare.  


Although not garunteed the vast majority of aspers will develop the ability to 'sul'- an orcish term meaning to both split and share, this allows an asper to split bodily energy between people sharing afflictions like illness, disease or even fatigue. for example someone who has a grave injury could have their wound split between ten people so that each person has the same minor wound, or someone who is tired could share that tiredness with others to lessen the feeling of fatigue. it even allows for staving off hunger; while it will not fill the persons stomach it will provide their body with energy.


The ability to 'sul' is not without boundaries, for one the Asper making the transfer is unable to exclude themselves from the trade, they will always bear part of the wound or illness. For an asper, injuries can stack upon each other due to multiple transfers, without care an asper can die from taking on too many wounds or devop infection. The split will always be proportionate to the number of people involved, someone cannot take more or less of the trade, if an asper tries to split a mortal wound with another person they would take half the damage and may be at risk from dying of the injury alone. A split may only happen once per affliction, meaning a wound cannot be split and split again, in cases of hunger, fatigue, poisoning or other a suffient priod of time must pass this typically takes weeks. If an asper tries to heal a wound beyond their ability they can expend a tremendous amount or energy and possibly expire, or simply be unable to attempt to split at all.     A new asper can typically only split between one or two people when touching them and mostly minor injuries but an experienced asper can divide amongst a whole village at once. The most skilled asper can even split without needing to touch others although few reach this level. Aspers are also able to split their own afflictions with others.


Shared customary codes and values

Aspers serve an important role in the community, they act as healer and spiritual beacon but also as a confidant, leader and watchmen. It is expected that they will spend their whole lives dedicated to the care and uplifting of their communities, it is a high honour. Aspers are set at the highest point of the village where they are able to overlook the land. typically a tall tree, mountain or hill. It is tradition that this same spot is held by each new asper. The asper then sits to meditate until one of the village seeks them out by trekking to their spot, when the reach the asper, the asper will split with them the physical sensations of their body; their hunger and fatigue, serving in turn to provide advice or council, or the splitting of an affliction.    Because of this an asper once seated no longer needs to eat or sleep, they spend their days communing with their people and their night watching over the village to safeguard against threats. Because of their ability to split they are also able to slow their aging down and live much longer than a standard orc.    When a new asper is ready to take the seat the old one is carried down into the village, at this point they have sat solong that their legs have atrophied. They are taken care of the the people until they naturally pass away.

Common Etiquette rules

to aproach an asper you MUST split with them to syphon off their hunger and fatigue. to not do so is immensly disrespectful, particularly if you are appreaching seeking council or services. An asper may refuse to split their afflicion but it must be offered.   A split is offered by bowing your head and extending out your palms if a split is accepted the asper will take hold of their hands, some splits may occur by placing their forhead aginst the aper, but this is reseved for more intimate connections like immediate family or aspers in training.

Common Dress code

Aspers typically wear robes and shawls, their ability to slip allows them to safeguard againt becoming dangerously cold.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

it's common for those seeking council to sit back to back with an asper as they talk, and is especially seen with new aspers in training who will sit back to back with their elders for hours on end.

Common Taboos

It is taboo for a asper to leave their village, although not unheard of it is a great shame.

Common Myths and Legends

There are various myths pertaining to aspers, there are stories of aspers without the ability to 'sol' who still guide their community. Sories of twin aspers born at the same time with one leaving to help another orcish community. Stories of aspers who split so many afflictions that the perished beneath the good nature of their village.    There is even a rumor of an Asperwho left their village to become a criminal.
Parent ethnicities

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