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Deer Thicket Orcs

The Deer Thicket are a clan of Orcs who reside towards the north east of the land. in the thickets that line the valley. They are geographically close to a number of smaller human settlements as well as a one day ride from Rakside/ The Rakes' Hide and a two day ride from The Keep.   Despite their close proximity to The Keep the Deer Thicket Clan is not overly concerned with the Brotherhood of Tarn as they are only interested in human affairs and have no need or wish to antogonise the orcs. Although the prescence of their fortress does put some of the orcs ill at ease. The Deer Thicket Clan is well know for their export of amber and resin which they harves from sorrounding trees as well as for their quality earthernware pots which comes from a nearby rich clay deposit.   Because there orcs live southly of the kingdom the climate is warmer and their skin takes on a more a lighter, yellower hue.   Previously the can was home to Asper who has since left.


Major language groups and dialects

the clan speaks primarily orcish, with a limited understanding of common.

Shared customary codes and values

The deer thicket orcs are deeply loyal to their clan and to their traditions. They are incredibly tight knit to the point where very few orcs leave to live elsewhere. The deeply belive that everyone has a role to play to keep the village throving and that that role must be discovered as early in life as possible and maintained until the orc is too old to work. The downside to this is that these orcs dont favour individuality or self expression which can make some of the younger ocrs feel stifles. they are also somewhat behinf on technology updates as they are resistant to adopting new methods and techniques.

Foods & Cuisine

favoured food of orcs include soups, steps and tangine cooked in earthenware. they primarily use bowls and spoons to eat and have access to grains, meat, fish, eggs and fungus.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

at birth the orcish babies are kept in isolation with their parents and the village elders who share the dury of settling in the babe, after three moon cycles the babe msy be allowed outside and can interact with the other villages.

Coming of Age Rites

When an orc becomes an adolescent they are given a role in the village. They have three moon cycles to prove themselves adept at the task or they will be relegated to another. An orc who is continuously relegated is considered dim-witted and this is shameful. Orcs that are tasked to be hunters are given the role in childhood from around the age of ten. they are gifted hunting birds to train for this persuit.   Adult orcs are permitted to leave their village for five moons in which time they may wander the wilderness and soul-search although modern orcs have taken to a nearby town that serves ale.

Funerary and Memorial customs

like other orc clans, the death of a villager is bittersweet; it is pain ant the loss of the person but an acknowledgement that they have lived out their life however long and now will return their energy to the earth. AS in Orcish Faith all energy is simply borrowed and upon death is returned to the pool for new creatures to spring anew.    Funeral processions involve removing the bodys clothes and accessories and washing the body/ The body is then wrapped in a linen shroud. a narrow but deep hole is dug big enough for the orc to be placed in sitting up. They face is covered and they are lowered into the earth. this is an incredibly private momment that is only shared between the village elders and the asper, if any, some clans do have the entire village witness, some have only immediate family, but the Deer Thickets no not. Once placed into the grave the orc is buried until the dirt covers their head and then a new sapling is planted directly above them. If they belong to an existing family they may be buried amongst the roots of an existign tree.

Magic Status 

Pro Magic- Nuetral
Diverged ethnicities

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