Cult of the Spyder

An ancient cult born out of an amalgamation of many old religions from the world of Ki-Sar, centered around the worship of Al-Sahek the grandiose, legendary god-like emperor from millenia ago.   They successfully found his tomb and resurrected him, and now march at his command.


The Cult of Spyder is a warlike cult, an army of followers devoted to restoring Al-Sahek's empire.   One half of the cult is a nomadic missionary order that roams known space to try and find followers for Al-Sahek. The other half of the cult is the highly efficient militia of the Spyders. Elite warriors trained by the finest of instructors, fanatics since birth, they will lay down their lives for their god.

Public Agenda

The Cult Of The Spyder has one objective and one objective only. They will restore Al-Sahek's empire to glory, and rule with an iron fist over their believers.


Fleet: 1 frigate (the Grandiose), 3 light corvettes , 10 fighters, various landing craft.   Militia: 5 elite squadron, two battallion of infantry (mostly rookies)


In the golden age of Al-Sahek himself, history books were written in advance at his behest, to ensure a long lasting glorious legacy. As empires fell and rose after his death, his legend was rewritten, exaggerated and in many cases, made up on the spot.   Millenia down the line emerged High Pirest Spyder, self proclaimed descendent of the real Spyder, right hand man to Al-Sahek 200 000 years prior. Fervently driven by "visions" and "definitely not drugs", he gathered many followers and led a righteous search for Al-Sahek's tomb. Soon after his unfortunate passing, the Cult of the Spyder found Al-Sahek, entombed deep underground.   Purchasing expensive technology from ARKORP and basically bankrupting themselves, they resurrected Al-Sahek. Now under the leadership of their glorious god, they begun a righteous crusade accross the stars, to amass an army worth of their lord and saviour.
Founding Date
Religious, Cult
Alternative Names
The Scaly Nuts
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members

Articles under Cult of the Spyder


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