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The Dunarian School

The Dunarian School is an association of acadamics, scientists, scholars and educational institutes who adhere to the Dunarian philosophy. The School started out as a group of scientists and scolars who travelled alongside The Dunarian Caravan. The scholars who joined the Caravan believed in a world where knowledge should have no borders and should be shared with everyone.   The Dunarian School is not as well-organized as the Caravan. It mainly consists of academic institutes that adhere to the Dunarian philosophy without one centralised hierarchy. Occasionally some of these institutes organize coordinating policies, though they are not bound by any overseeing organization like with the Caravan.   Famous individuals  

Known mebers or followers

  Jacobus Dordonne, founder of the Academie de Dordonne
  Laia Homfrey, Rector of the Academie de Dordonne from XXX to XXX
  Rosetta Espera, original author of the The Babelarcon

Associated educational institues

Academie de Dordonne
Founding Date
100-200 DC
Research, Think Tank
Alternative Names
School of Dunar, the School

Shared Philosophy

Cover image: by Kip97 (through Artbreeder)


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