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The Dunarian Caravan

The Dunarian Caravan is a guild of merchants and the oldest organisation in the world. It was founded by Dunar, God of Trade. Its foundation marked the start of the Dunarian calendar.  

Origin and influence

  The Dunarian Caravan was founded by Dunar, God of Trade while he was still a human. Dunar was the second prince of the old kingdom of Canaia. At one point Dunar was exiled from Canaia due to unknown reasons. He was given an amount of money, which enabled him to found the Dunarian Caravan. In the year 36 DC, Dunar ascended into godhood. He watched over the Caravan and aided them with his power until the foundation of the Free City after the fall of Canaia.   The Dunarian Caravan’s main purpose is to help their associated traders by facilitating the trade between nations and areas in the world. Starting out as only traders in rare materials, they later included trade in currencies in their activities. The Dunarian Bank was the first bank in the world and laid the foundation of the current monetary system of the world.   In a world fractured in many territories, the Dunarian Caravan was allowed to trade with and pass through most of them due to their large influence and broad offer of goods. Many travellers and scholars started to travel alongside them, either out of convenience or because they shared the Dunarian philosophy of a world without borders.   The scholars who joined the Caravan believed in a world where knowledge should have no borders and should be shared with everyone. They became to be known as The Dunarian School. The travellers who joined the Dunarian Caravan and who weren’t necessary traders, started to organize themselves in the organization called Children of the Road.   Another result of the Caravan’s great influence over the trade in the world is that most places started to use the Dunarian calendar to count time. The division of time into cycles, quarters and decania based on mooncycles was used by the Caravan to coordinate their trade between different areas. Even though most local territories had their own way of counting time, they later changed to the Dunarian system as this type of time counting was the most widespread.   The Dunarian timeline was the world’s main timeline until it was later revisioned after The Emergence of Don'vur. The revisioned calendar still uses the Dunarian way of keeping time based on mooncycles however.  


  The Caravan’s main seat is in the Free City. The Caravan is divided into six main branches for different regions. Each region is governed by a Khali and has several subregions governed by Icchar(s).   The six main branches are:     Regions in which the Caravan is not officially represented include Tropos, Don’vur and Carrasca.   Khali and Icchars are voted for by members of the branch which they represent and by other Khali.  

Dunarian Philosophy

  The Dunarian Caravan follows the Dunarian philosophy of borderless trade and shared knowledge. This means they think knowledge and trade should not have territorial limits and should be shared with all people.  

Known Members

  • Samyr Okooka = Khali of Fhyrir from 1310 EC to 1325 EC
  • Joanna Suin, Khali of Loria from 1804 EC to 1852 EC
  • Garragh Main, Khali of Fhyrir from 1855 EC to 1868 EC
Founding Date
1 DC
Guild, Merchant
Alternative Names
The Caravan

Shared Philosophy

Cover image: by Kip97 (through Artbreeder)


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