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The Kingdom of Callimoria

"The Beauty of Growth"

  Callimoria is a large kingdom situated in the heart of the north in an exceptionally lush and fertile part of the continent. Known for its flowery fields, its large and numerous forests, its tranquil lakes and the variety of charming hamlets that lay scattered across the countryside, Callimoria is a beautiful land, teeming with life and a special sort of calm.  

The Rose of The North

  Due to the beauty of the natural landscape of Callimoria, it is often called the rose of the north. Most of the population of the kingdom live humble lives on small farmsteads and villages. Because of the land's natural fertile ground, as well as the vast forests that stretch out over the Callimorian landscape, many who live in the kingdom are either lumberjacks or farmers. Those who live in the city often work a trade, and living standards are high, but on the countryside the people are often poor due to high taxes and uneven distribution of wealth, as well as less military presence which has led to ever more frequent attacks by bandits, goblins and beasts. Due to this economic divide, the people of Callimoria are also quite divided. Those who live in the larger cities tend to be more educated, but also ignorant to the plights of those who live simpler lives. The Callimornians who live in the smaller hamlets on the countryside are generally poor but tight-knit, but the poverty in many of the areas has also made them untrusting of certain races and conservative in their views. Many also turn to banditry to support themselves and their families, which has, unfortunately, made the roads outside of the inner walls of the capital somewhat risky to travel.   The population of Callimoria consists primarily of humans. Deep in the forests however, dwells clans of non-calenese wood elves, and although they are generally peaceful as long as the humans stay out of their land, clashes frequently happen due to constant demand of lumber, which has driven the lumberjacks deeper and deeper into elven territory. The humans who live on the countryside are thus often untrusting of wood elves, of whom they view to be bandits, scavengers and murderers.  

Climate and Geography

  The climate in Callimoria is temperate with shifting seasons all throughout the year. The entire area of Callimoria is considerably more humid than for example Deirim or Karamorn however, and there are also several locations of where the veil between the Material Plane and the Feywilds is quite thin. Both of these factors have made Callimoria a lush land with large forests and a great variety of plant and animal-life. Temperatures in Callimoria range from a couple of degrees minus in the winter, to around 20°C in the summertime. Apart from the Golden Peaks in the north, and the Graytear Mountains dividing Calen and Callimoria in the east, the kingdom sees little variation in altitude, which has made temperatures stable all throughout the country with one exception: As Callimoria is located by the Median Fjord, which brings cold water and winds from the North Sea, the west and northern coastline is often plagued with bitter winds during the winter, this becomes less apparent the further south in the kingdom you travel, however. Amrynn Bay, despite being connected to the North Sea as well, is far warmer due to a natural occurrence of mana crystals deep below the surface, and although there are trading routes between Deirim and Callimoria with boats sailing over the bay, sailors have to be careful as the waters are treacherous and maelstroms are known to appear as if out of thin air.   Due to the high humidity, bogs, swamps, lakes and ponds are quite numerous in the country. There are also several large and small rivers that bring fresh water from the Golden Peaks to many settlements that lie downstream. Callimoria, having been part of the old Elven Empire of Elvaan, is still to this day affected by the nature-altering magics of the high elves. The further one travels to the south and towards Everfall, the more beautiful and aether-rich the landscape becomes. The trees here are golden-hued year-round, and a variety of flora and fauna can only be found in this part of the continent. To the west, towards Calen, the veil becomes increasingly thin, and one have to be careful when wandering the deep forests here, as to not stumble through a rift to the feywilds.    


  Approximate Numbers: 75% humans, 15% wood elves, 7% smallfolk, 3% jotnar,   Callimoria is a land mostly inhabited by humans, where the ethnicities most commonly seen is Irvorian, Briar, Calenese and a few Islanders. The kingdom, although inhabited by other races like the wood elves who dwell in the deep forests and the elfin who have small communities in the midland of the kingdom, is primarily a human country. Only those who dwell in the cities have any way to affect the local and international politics in the land, and because almost 90 percent of the population of the large cities are humans, policies protecting and preserving the culture of other races are few and far between. This coupled with a mistrust of outsiders on the countryside, has made Callimoria a somewhat hostile environment for many other races, and elves especially tend to have a rough time in the kingdom, often having to live lives of banditry or thieving to make ends meet.  


    (Callimoria is in many ways based on a medieval mix of england and ireland, coupled with influences from germany and france. Very stereotypical medieval high fantasy. This reflects in everything from architecture, food, culture, appearance, clothing choices and (human) names)   The people of Callimoria, although divided into several ethnicities, tend to have a fairly uniform culture, although one that is divided in two very distinct branches. All Callimorians tend to share a sense of work-ethic however, being hard-working and dedicated at whatever craft of profession they pursue. Many also share a love of the nature of their country, and despite their dislike of the humnaoid races dwelling in the wilds, they go to great lengths to preserve the wildlife in the large forests. Much of Callimorian culture is also based around wood and woodworking, as the kingdom is the largest export of lumber to the rest of the north.   The people living in the large cities, primarily to the west and the north, are distinct from those living in the countryside through their dedication to knowledge and love of the finer things in life. Although poverty exist in the cities, most are generally well-off, and because of this the cities of Callimoria have a rich cultural life where import of foreign goods and books is common. The level of education, as mentioned earlier, is also high, which has led to an interest for politics, history and international relations, and many of Callimoria's richer citisens are well-traveled and oftentimes familiar with magic. Inside the cities there is also a heightened loyalty to the crown, and one of the greatest honours is to be knighted by an influential noble, a high-paying and high-status job.   The Callimorians of the smaller hamlets and villages are a simpler people. Conservative and highly loyal to their small communities, they have a heightened sense of comradery with their fellow man and all are expected to work hard for the benefit of the village. This loyalty does not extend to those who live inside the inner walls of Callimoria however, and is also for the most part reserved for humans exclusively. The Callimorian humans of the countryside are also oftentimes very skilled at the more down-to-earth trades that have to do with woodworking, hunting, foraging, farming and tanning, and due to the settlement's sometimes unfavourable situation far from larger cities, they are often self-sufficient.  


  All Callimorian humans, be it in the cities or on the countryside are generally quite pious followers of The Faith, most of the Thalonese variety, and there are old traditions in Callimoria of keeping small altars of family-associated patron gods. Especially popular in the city are Nave, Vathyre and Rapha, and in the smaller villages many are followers of Eyr, Ubris or Thalon. Rapha especially, being the associated patron god of the royal family of House Alba has many shrines, churches and altars all throughout the country, and many seasonal ceremonies and festivals are held in her honour.   The Church, in addition to the royal family, is the largest governing institution in Callimoria. Having a long tradition of cooperation and friendship, the house of Alba are all devote followers of The Fate, and the church supports the family's claim to the throne through economic and political aid. Due to the influence of The Church in Callimoria, all other religions are generally banned, and are considered heretic and unlawful in the eyes of The Church and society at large.  


  The Kingdom of Callimoria, with a system very similar to Karamorn and Veileux is ruled by a royal family, with a king most often sitting at the throne. Under the king, queen, and their children, comes the nobles of the kingdom. These are old families of noble birth who aid the king in governing smaller parts of the country. Under the nobles one can find the earls, men of high rank that command the military troops and the cavalry. The earls hold the chief command under the king, and it is the king who appoints them. Under them again, one can find the knights, vassals who have been granted the title from a lord, monarch or bishop. Knights are considered a lower class of nobility. Under the knights again comes the commanders of the smaller military groups, and their soldiers. Lastly comes the general population of farmers, merchants, crafters, fishers and hunters.   The kingdom is under strict control of the royal family, with strict rules for immigration and high taxes. The military of Callimoria is less impressive than its neighbors however, and Callimoria is generally considered a more peaceful and diplomatic country where money is used on infrastructure and defence in the larger cities, as well as churches and extravagant palaces for the royal family and the bishops.  

The Royal Family:

Callimoria's royal family is the house of Alba, and the current reagent as of 3A 315 is King Theoric Alba, and Maya Leona Alba after the eldest son of the family drowned in an accident. Theoric Alba is 24 years old, while Maya is 23, and the two are devoted followers of The Fate, and have since their inauguration have further cemented The Church's control of many aspects of Callimorian society. Maya is generally considered to be the strongest leader of the two, ruling the kingdom through her more absend king. The king and the queen currently have no children, and it is rumoured that the two are struggling with infertility issues, although The Church and the queen denies all such accusations.    

Politics and Relations:

Bordered by Karamorn, Deirim and Calen, with its capital by the median fjord, it is strategically located to allow for trade between a number of people in the north. Callimoria maintains a friendly relationship with all its neighbors, as well as the other countries in the Northern Alliance. Despite anti-elven rhetoric on the countryside, the royal family and the leaders of Calen have a relationship of mutually beneficial cooperation.   Being the main supplier of lumber to most other kingdoms in the north, Callimoria has managed to maintain its influential position, despite having a fairly lackluster military presence. Advocating for peace and cooperation, Callimorians are popular in the alliance, and they often act as diplomats and intermediaries in other people's conflicts in the north.  


  Callimoria's economy is rich, although greatly reliant on the export of lumber, meat, hides, fish and crops. Trading to Karamorn especially is a very important aspect of Callimorian economics, and as such the two countries have a very close relationship.   Callimorian cities are widely renowned for their large, solid walls of defence and their thriving cultural life. Grand cathedrals and influential schools and academies is also a selling point for many travellers, and because of this tourism to the cities is also a major part of Callimorian economy. On the countryside it is drastically different however, where each settlement is largely self-sufficient, living off the land and the resources within their territories.  

Flora and Fauna

  Callimoria, being a temperate and fertile land has a thriving population of many different species of animals and plants. In the land's forests, you can find most of the common forest dwelling creatures like wolves, bears, deer and foxes. In the hills and mountains, especially those to the far north of the country you can find plenty of harpies, mountain foxes and hares, and due to Callimoria's long coastline, there are plenty of fish and larger aquatic creatures that dwell in the oceans around the kingdom.   Due to the thin veil between the Material Plane and the Feywilds many places in Callimoria, there is a high population of fey-creatures in the forests of Callimoria. Travellers are advised to be wary.   Forests in Callimoria are a mix between decidous and evergreen trees, and as the country has very fertile soil, the forests grow big and lush compared to for example Deirim and Karamorn. Despite the lands fertility however, farming can in many places in Callimoria be somewhat of a challenge, as where the veil is especially thin, plant-life grows exceptionally fast and animals thrive a bit too-well sometimes.
Founding Date
2A 150
National Territory
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
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