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Duria Dynasty

Duria Dynasty is a kingdom, that is located in the continent of Joruxes [m. south].  


Duria Dynasty is ruled by a single monarch, who is the head of the Durian Famiy at that time and a small advisor council.   On the other hand, bureaucratic procedures are carried out by various departments, by a municipality building within the palace.  


Duria Dynasty has a colorful and lively culture.   Denizens are mostly religious people and customs demonstrate this worldview. The most common traditions are about two milestones of life - according to Durian citizens, marriage and death.  

Demography and Population

Although Duria is largely a Human kingdom, it has a multiethnic nature. This structure is particularly evident in big cities where trade is concentrated, while the rural areas are more racially segregated.   The population is divided between the big cities and the surrounding villages. The inhabitants of the cities are usually engaged in trade or service businesses, while those living in villages are often farmers or livestock and form the heart of the dynasty's production.  


Duria Dynasty is located on the Joruxes continent, on the western side of the southern part of the Reptile Mountain Range, which divides the continent in two.   The lands of the country are bordered in the east by the mountain ranges and then by the Misty River, in the north by the deep cleft separating the continents, and by the ocean shore in the east and south.   Lands of Duria  


Duria Dynasty has a regular army that is named Nation Guards.   Military forces act as a police force in the citites and towns, provide the security of the trade routes and keep guard at the outposts throughout the country.   The troops are trained at the capital or at the outposts and then assign to a place of duty. Soldiers can ask to be assign to any region in the begining, for a new post anytime in their term of office or to resign, as they will.   Under normal circumstances, there are no restrictions about the task duration for the troops. However, in the time of war, the King can suspend the right to leave, and can locate the troops as he will.  


In the Free Cities, communities that belong to any of the Prime Deities can be found, however, the Sisters and the Judge are predominant.  


Duria, apart from its capital, consists of 4 large cities, and villages built around them. In addition, there is a small caravanserai settlement on the border of the Free Cities.   There are two major maritime ports in the West. In addition, transportation within the country is provided - on the east-west axis - mostly through ports built on the river.   In addition, there is a main trade route connecting the northernmost to the southernmost of the country, and this route also carries inland trade from the Free Cities.  
Founding Date
1487 | AS
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Duria, the Dynasty
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Unitary state
Major Exports
Textile products (rugs, silk, etc.), Silver inlaid products, ceramics, spices, fruit wine  
Major Imports
Culture, Arcane products  
Judicial Body
Temples of the Judge are responsible for the justice in Duria Dynasty.   The main judicial body is located in the capital, however the temple in Midville also holds weight. Also, every large city has a temple to the Warrior that is responsibe for the regional courts.  
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members

Trade Partners

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