Manhood Rite of Passage

Throughout the Known World a ritual passage from boyhood to manhood is common for male humans and some near-humans. Generally speaking, this takes place around 12 years of age although there are variations. The rite takes many different forms in different cultures and even within a culture, but the main features remain consistent - the boy is taken (often by force - although this is often ritualized) from his home and safety by the adult men of his community (including older members of his family). He is often bound and / or blindfolded (again, usually ritually rather than seriously) and taken to an isolated place accessible to only adult males. There he is subjected to trials and initiated into the mysteries of the adult male. After the rite is complete, the males (including the now-adult former-boy) return to the community and perform a final ritual which accepts them back into the mixed-gender community.   The trials and mysteries vary greatly - in more warrior-oriented societies, the trials are often of physical endurance, wilderness survival, hunting and even ritual scarification, mutilation and tattooing. In some cases these will be heavily modified from their initial form - a minor blooding, painting rather than permanent tattooing, the tasting of a spicy plant rather than a poisonous one, the killing of a captive animal rather than hunting etc. In other societies, the initiation is to participate in adult practices - drinking alcohol or ingestion of another recreational substance, for example. The mysteries are usually the imparting of adult-male culture and expectations - moral guidance on how a man in that society should behave. Often, there is emphasis on sacrifice, duty, fair treatment and - most especially given the goddess of the Moon's corruption and rebellion - appropriate sexual conduct and behavior towards women in general.   The ritual to accept the men back into society normally includes a cleansing ritual - most commonly a ritual washing with clean water given to them by the women - and physical expression of affection - most often a ritualized kiss from the mother, sister, or even headwoman of the society.


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