World Ocean

The World Ocean, also known simply as Ocean, is the encircling river believed to ring around the Known World in an endless loop. For the Great Powers, the geography of the world is a ring of land around the Middle Sea with Ocean encircling it.   The Northmen also believe in the World Ocean, but because their civilization is centered in a different part of the world and because they have travelled so extensively, they believe it to be set further away than the Great Powers. For example, the so-called Northern Ocean is believed by the Great Powers to be part of Ocean (hence its name) but the Northmen know it by a different name because they understand it is not part of the endless loop of water around the world.   There are many legends about Ocean - it is an endless body of water which cannot be crossed, forever circling the world. The Northmen believe it is inhabited by the World Serpent, a monstrous creature who girdles the whole world, holding his tail in his mouth. They call Ocean Valvägen or "Whale-Road".


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