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Nergal, the Crimson Oblivion

Fury of the Molten Earth

Nergal is known as the God of Earthen Might and is the secondborn of the Drakanii Pantheon.
He is considered the god of the lands, destruction, and strength.   Commanding the raw fury of the earthen depths itself, Nergal is said to be the strongest of all the deities with the power to destroy any and all foes that stand in his way with a single blow. His strength is so great that his slightest movements send tremors throughout the entire world tree and his wrath leaves entire lands wrought in flames. Hidden deep within the roots of the world tree, Nergal lies waiting for the day that his power is called upon to shape the mortal world once more, or see it come to an end.


The ancient carvings found in the northlands of Orenia depict Nergal as a colossal dragon. His crimson and ashen scales are soaked in the molten blood of those who've perished at his wrath and covered in the volcanic fury of the depths. His every bone is said to be as tough as the mountains from which he hails, the horns on his head and the spikes along his back like stalagmites rising from his flesh.   It's said that only select few have ever witnessed his true visage in person, many believing him to have turned to stone within his earthen domain. Modern depictions have also made him out to be a large dragonborn with similar features to his original form, inspiration drawn from the God-King who bore an appearance believed to be that of Nergal's avatar. Nonetheless, Nergal always wields a powerful and frightening presence, inspiring both fear and respect for his might.


Although his fury can be felt across the world, Nergal remains one of the most silent deities of all. Only a handful of his devoted chosen are known to speak with him and earn his guidance while others claim to hear his call through the earth itself. But many believe such claims to be the ramblings of fanatics and madmen. Many believe him an apathetic god with no intent to aid his followers, those who worship him doing so only out of fear for his destructive wrath.   However, even if he himself does not speak, his favor has been known to reveal itself in desperate times. Armies have faltered upon crumbling battlefields and frightened souls trapped within the darkness once again gazed upon the sky as the earth cleared away before them. His fury may be great and terrible but so too is his focus deep, keeping his followers safe as the obstacles before them turn to dust.   Regardless of the fury he wields, grand displays of power are quite rare across Gailardia. People interpret this peace as a strong will and patient mind, the ire of Nergal only incurred by those who truly seek to anger the father of dragons. Similarly, signs to indicate his coming wrath have become well known among scholars, allowing mortals to take precautions or evacuate before disaster strikes, revealing the silent Nergal to show mercy to the innocent.


Nergal commands the raw fury of fire and earth itself, many believing the elemental forces to have been born from his very being. With these powers at his beck and call, he can change the very shape of the land around him in the blink of an eye, carving mountains or conjuring towering pillars of flame to his side. His draconic form also grants him some of the finest defense amongst all the deities.   Those who manage to approach him, let alone pierce his powerful hide, must then contest with his all-powerful might. Wielding unnatural strength, Nergal can crush even the strongest opponents in a single swing, making him a truly lethal force to be reckoned with. For those who manage to sustain his vicious blows, his very breath is destruction itself, burning all in its path and leaving only the ash of the unfortunate souls in its wake.


Faith in Nergal's might is among the oldest of Gailardia and have long stood as the primary religion of Dakhana and its many people. While this has left him with great influence across different races, the Dragonborn are the only ones truly devoted while others were often forced to kneel before their god. Regardless, there are those who accepted this path and Nergal also holds the favor of warriors across the world.   His followers range from the most patient and disciplined fighters to those seeking to bolster their strength with rage. The variety in Nergal's followers often leads to conflict between different factions, some seeking his guidance to calm the storm within and focus with might with inner peace while others merely crave the fury of the earth to crush their enemies. This similarly extends to those fighting to protect others and those who only seek their own ends, leading to others being quite wary of his followers until their true colors have been revealed.  


  • Treasure the gift of the land. Safeguard the world and honor its creation.
  • Bring down that which no longer serves the betterment of the land's children.
  • Strength is paramount. Through might shall the misguided feel awe and tremble.

Notable Relations


  • Kaileena - Myths and legends of the slumbering titan attribute a strong bond between Nergal and Kaileena, the latter aiding his peaceful rest and ensuring his awakening does not come too soon.
  • Halanir - Commonly known only as a being of destruction, stories speak of Nergal's gentle side through his combined efforts with Halanir to bring life to lands wrought by devastation.
  • Gaal - Nergal's strong ties to the earth and his confinement in the deepest depths makes for a lonesome existence, one said to be outweighed by Gaal occasionally making his way through his realm.


  • Jayle - Sworn to his duty, Nergal has little patience for individuals like Jayle who spend their days lollygagging and interfering with the lives of others for no other reason than selfish entertainment.
  • Ossara - As one charged with destruction, Nergal believes firmly in the sanctity of life and death and as such holds no favor towards Ossara's methods of tempting others towards the path of undeath.
  • Lyn - Nergal is widely believed to have a strong contempt for those who give into temptation, especially one who would disturb the sleep of others as Lyn often does.


God of Earthen Might  


Primordial One
Slumbering Titan
Last Breath of All Things  

Moral Compass



Blazing Crimson Eye  


Praised be the Primordial One  








The Eye of Catastrophe


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