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Daalos, the Silent Savior

The White Robes of Salvation

Daalos is known as the God of the Undying Will and holds the last seat of the Vaanir Pantheon.
He is considered the god of wastelands, defiance, and survival.   When the first of mortalkind found themselves exiled to the darklands, all but one would perish to the cruel and desolate wastes. Only when his body had withered away, still dragging himself defiantly through the blackened sands, did a figure appear before him. Introducing himself as Daalos, he shared a meal with the defiant soul and lead him to a small spring. Long has this spring served as the heart of the first true settlement of the wastelands, some believing them infused with the gift of life itself.


The most common depiction of Daalos came to be when humanity had settled within the Golden Sea. Many would don him in the white robes of a desert wanderer, gilded as if touched by the radiance of the sun. Others are known to depict him in darker robes to match the desolation of other regions. He's commonly depicted carrying either a canteen of fresh water or a piece of fruit, almost shimmering as if a mirage.   Certain stories have made him out to be a lizard appearing before the weary, offering its flesh to grant them the strength to press on. As such he's often given more animalistic traits, most commonly making his hands and feet out to be those of a beast. Rarely does his face also match but more often than not remains human in nature. Depending on those who speak of his aid, he might receive features attributed to other races, such as the longer ears of elvenkind.


Most stories like to focus on Daalos as a beacon of hope and kindness. Many speak of how he appears before those on the brink of death, offering food and water to sustain them or even carry them to safety. But while sometimes benevolent, so too can he be quite cruel. Time has shown that he won't appear before those who feel privy to his aid, relying solely on his kindness to guide their hand. Anyone calling out to him before their hour of need are said to instead be cursed with even greater hardship.   Daalos only seeks to aid those who truly require his assistance. Those who've struggled long and hard, calling out to him only as their last resort. He's also noteworthy for showing the same treatment to anyone, good or evil alike. Daalos shows no favor towards anyone in particular, striving to serve his charge without adhering to any notions of ethics or morals. As such, he's just as likely to save the most noble soul as he'd come to the aid of a heinous murderer.   But what he favors most of all is those who strive to bolster themselves. Tales often speak of Daalos' capacity to sustain himself throughout any hardship, requiring no food, water, rest, or anything to command the same strength throughout the ages. Many who've survived the harsh lands like to speak of a desire to grow stronger, as if a voice speaks to their very soul. This guidance has lead to many fierce souls, people who can stand up to any adversity and earn his true favor.


Daalos is widely considered a being of unrelenting resolve with the power to endure any harm that befall him. This goes so far as to many believing him the chosen disciple of Ashnard, having been blessed with his own powers of invulnerability. But many believe him only able to fight off poisons and enchantments, while direct attacks would still wound his body. However, much like his incredible fortitude and willpower, so too is he believed to be incredibly agile, making him almost impossible to strike in the first place.   He's often described as possessing incredible martial prowess, whether he's using his daggers or merely his fists to strike his foes. His arcane talents allow him to both conjure food and water for those in need but so too can bring desolation to entire regions and drain mortals of their vitality. He's similarly able to calm the minds of others with his sheer force of will or bestow his strength upon his allies to guard them from harm.


A shrine or church of Daalos is almost a guaranteed sight at the borders of any desert or wasteland, offering guidance and supplies for the road ahead, or allowing the weary to rest up after their travels. These are often also home to those who've devoted themselves to their training, seeking to strengthen body and mind much like their master. His followers are rarely found elsewhere as they're often traveling the world or choose to live in some of the most harsh environments. His most devoted followers are sure to be found in places no sane person would ever visit for long.   Those who walk the path of Daalos hail from many different corners of the world. From the most noble and honorable souls, to those purely seeking strength for their own selfish gains, Daalos accepts anyone into his service. Regardless of their intentions, these people are always devoted to their training. Little will keep them from their daily meditation and trials of endurance, often challenging themselves to greater hardship than anyone should ever endure. While the more selfish only travel in search of new trials, the noble share their master's desire to aid those in need, coming to the aid of any in need and inspiring them to grow stronger.  


  • Never give up. Stand defiant and move forward with an unwavering heart.
  • Lend a hand to those in need as you might hope another would do for you.
  • Place not your faith in others. Yet show no resistance to those with the heart to walk beside you.

Notable Relations


  • Ilyse - Daalos is not known to interact much with other deities, the greatest exception being Ilyse whom he considers a dear friend on his lonesome travels.
  • Sarym - Sarym shares a similar taste for defiance as Daalos, although to a more boisterous degree, who also finds his spirit for pushing himself further quite admirable.
  • Taralon, - As one who walks a lonely road, Daalos finds his meetings with Taralon quite peaceful as the two wandering souls enjoy a moment's respite from the world.


  • Zell - As a being of defiance, Daalos is no friend of Zell due to his adamant stance against people putting their faith in Divinity without knowing the gods truly.
  • Ossara - Making deals is not something Daalos has much patience for, especially such as Ossara's offers to sustain the weak by offering the gift of undeath.
  • Korelin - Many of the greater deities fail to garner the respect of Daalos, but none more so than Korelin for her insistence that all should bow to her rule.


God of the Undying Will  


Lord of Desolation
Gold-Scaled Wanderer
Warrior of the Wastes  

Moral Compass



Apple /w droplet carving  


May you ever take another step forward  








The Sunken City


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