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Taralon, the Nightwalker

The Silent Hand of the Night

Taralon is known as the God of Lost Souls and holds the fourth seat of the Celestine Pantheon.
He is considered the god of solitude, orphans, and assassination.   Ever the solitary soul, it's said that Taralon is always wandering the realms, hunting down those who've lost their way. Devoted to his charge, he sacrificed his sight to gain the power to sense the very essence of mana, perceiving all things in their unfiltered radiance. From the bright souls of purity to the darkened hearts of evil, he never rests in guiding each and every one towards the light of serenity, or punish those who have fallen from grace.


Taralon's most distinctive feature, one that remains across all his depictions, is his bright white eyes. These glow faintly with an ethereal force, often the only visible aspect of his face, which is commonly hidden away within his hooded cloak. Clad in the garbs of a huntsman, Taralon commonly blends in with the environment around him, always changing his attire to match his destination.   Other depictions make him out to be an animal on the prowl, taking on different shapes to best hunt down his enemies and offer support to his allies. Those who claim to have been blessed by his presence in their dreams paint him as a wild elf, sometimes young and artistic and other times old and wise. It's said that those who fear him, evading his fury, perceive him only as a black wolf with eyes forged in the light of judgment.


It's said that Taralon is a very passive and solitary soul. Outside of his duties, he keeps to himself amidst the wilds and rarely engages with anyone. This has left many with the belief that he's a cold and distant being, only caring about his charge and showing no compassion for anyone else in his travels. Regardless of his true feelings, this makes him incredibly focused, nothing said to keep him from his goal once set on the path forward.   But this cold exterior quickly washes away once he tracks down his mark. Those who've been graced with his presence speak of a warm and gentle soul, intent on lending his ear to their woes and aiding them in their struggles. While this rings especially true from those who were truly lost, others have told tales of vague dreams wherein they found themselves around a campfire, conversing with a blind huntsman for what seemed like an eternity, only waking when their troubles had washed away.   Select few who found themselves walking a dark path have also shared their encounters with the blind god. They too were graced with a warm, but fiery, soul, passionate and intense in his mission to help them see the error of their ways. It's widely believed that Taralon has no desire to punish anyone, only doing so when all else has failed. In his eyes, all who've lost their way are his children, wishing only the best for each and every one.


Despite his blind eyes, Taralon has gained the power to sense mana to such an extent that he can comprehend souls in its endless array of light. This makes him the perfect tracker in a world where all things glow with at least a faint shimmer of mana. Only when surrounded by the Void is he said to be truly blind but even creatures borne of its darkness stand out amidst the sea of light, allowing him to fight as long as the lands around him continue to shine brightly.   His kinship with the wilds makes him a friend to all animals, many said to accompany him on his travels. His martial prowess is that of a marksman, able to bend the air around his arrows to always strike his target. His approach is often silent, approaching his foes with the elegance and grace of an assassin. Taralon also wields the power of dreams, able to speak with others as well as fight off nightmares of those who feel lost even when sleeping.


Most who favor Taralon are said to be lone wolves and solitary souls. These are often hunters, soldiers, and assassins sanctioned by governments, often given special tasks that few others would undertake. Their presence is rarely felt and often makes it seem as if he has any real followers. The more prominent admirers of Taralon are orphans who've found purpose or joy in life, commonly thanking him for leading them down the right path. The true followers are those who've been blessed with such kindness and have since chosen to walk the path of the noble huntsman.   His followers are often reclusive souls, finding it best to work alone and avoid the distractions of civilization. They'll rarely make their appearance known and only visit the city if absolutely necessary. Most are avid survivalists, well trained in making the most out of the lands around them to always stay fit for fight without ever engaging with another soul for days. Many are known for their kindness but so too do they care little for praise, merely doing what they believe is right as all should strive to do. Even those who might serve a given master often find themselves traveling from place to place, returning only to heed their summons and swiftly depart once business is concluded.  


  • Tend to those who stand alone and become their guiding light to move forward.
  • Efficiency is key. Strike swift and true. The sooner you will return to serenity.
  • Remember to stand alone. Never forget to hone your own strength of spirit.

Notable Relations


  • Kaileena - As one who often wanders through the dreamscape of others, Taralon is a close ally and friend of Kaileena as he seeks to ease the night for those in distress.
  • Daalos - Taralon shares a close bond with Daalos, sharing in their silent demeanor and oath to save those on the brink of despair from succumbing to a terrible fate.
  • Nazaala - Stories speak of Taralon's efforts to aid Nazaala when his revelry leads to tales of those left alone and the unwanted who are brought into the world.


  • Jayle - Jayle is known to take advantage of those who lose themselves to the darkness, making him an enemy of Taralon as he seeks to reach them first.
  • Tali - Unfortunate souls who find themselves with nothing left to live for often face Tali's blade, much to Taralon's dismay who believes their lives worth mending.
  • Lyn - The dreamscape of any soul is sacred to Taralon and those such as Lyn who seek to manipulate it for personal gain are no friends of his.


God of Lost Souls  


Shepherd of the Sleeping Woods
White Eyes of the Hunt

Moral Compass

Conscience & Goal  


Bow shaped as a white eye  


Ever honor the white wolf  








The Hunter's Dream


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