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Myrrha, the Spirit of Delight

The Daughter of Water's Beauty

Myrrha is known as the Goddess of Delightful Tricks and holds the fifth seat of the Vaanir Pantheon.
She is considered the goddess of pranks, entertainment, and youth.   Many stories speak of how Cira's joyous melodies have conjured life itself from the very waters she command. Most notable of these is the youthful water sprite, Myrrha. Often considered her daughter, the playful sprite would follow her creator and take a great liking to mortalkind, soaring through the crowds and playing tricks on them. Simple pranks would become more elaborate as her powers grew, using body and mind to trick others into acts both embarrassing and daring, all to bring laughter to those around her.


Much like her mother, Myrrha's known to take on many forms. The most common is a variant of her true form: a youthful water sprite. She's described as having pale skin, much of which is a light green or blue color. This extends to her wings, glowing bright blue as water seems to spring from her back. She's often clad in light silk and is fond of wearing jewelry of all sorts, often choosing somewhat revealing or daring outfits.   But stories speak of the many other forms she likes to take amongst mortals. From being a gnome or goblin and maintaining a smaller size, to elven or human forms akin to the beauties often associated with Cira. Her style often remains the same, choosing a more noble form over that of a commoner. However, should she find herself in a crowd where nobility would be a rarity, she has no issue wandering the streets as a youthful temptress in the simplest of clothing.


Myrrha is well known for being a bright and cheerful soul. Very little is said to bring her down as she makes it her goal to always bring joy and laughter to the world. But while she takes great pleasure in her acts, others may not feel the same at the time. Her favorite activity is to pull pranks on people, whether as simple as causing a small accident or trick people into embarrassing moments by using her wits and an alluring smile.   Ever the kind soul, she never lingers on any particular target. While she may enjoy a couple of small pranks towards any given individual, she'll move along to another as to avoid hurting anyone for too long. In fact, she'll likely strike at those who experienced her immediate pranks, eventually leaving an entire group of friends as an even laughing stock. The only times she'll linger for any lengthy period are those who actively go out of their way to wound others with their actions.   She's also an avid fan of bringing people together through passion and a trick or two. If ever she spies any lingering glances between two people, she'll likely drop what she's doing to plan a meeting they'll never forget. Many of these often involve accidents leading to wet clothing, some claiming to have heard her ringing laughter from the nearby waters as events begin to unfold.


Myrrha is an avid trickster and masters several gifts of illusion and enchantment to aid her in pulling pranks or confusing her enemies. These often involve the element of water, leading to traps or merely striking down a clone with her image. Other times she'll take on a more pacifistic approach and try to soothe her opponent into relinquishing their arms and cease fighting. At worst, she'll fumble their minds and turn even the mightiest warrior into a bumbling buffoon.   If possible, she might also use seduction to lure her prey to their doom but never drawing them close to her actual position. While they try to locate her true self, she'll use her sling to cause havoc on the surrounding area. Her style of combat is rarely direct, always using the battlefield around her to best disable her opponents. Once trapped, she can then escape or use her magic to finish them off, her most direct methods being to drown those who persist in wounding her or her allies.


A majority of those associated the most with Myrrha is the young souls across the world. From kids to early adults, many are drawn to her free spirit and youthful demeanor. Most notably is of course those reaching a more mature age, still enjoying a hearty prank while also setting their sights on the gorgeous people around them. But her followers also extend to cunning souls using deception and stealth to their advantage. Others include artistic souls and those who prefer to use words over weapons to handle conflict.   Her followers are often kind people who love to bring others together. This can lead to them being the center of attention in a group, while others prefer to pull the strings more deceptively. Much like their goddess, they rarely show much regard for the rules of others, which can easily get them into trouble if they choose to boast about their deeds. They rarely seek active conflict and much prefer to take in the joys of life. While many often linger within the borders of civilization, others love to travel from place to place, possibly to avoid the long arm of the law trying to punish their latest string of tricks.  


  • Let not your burdens weigh you down. Live is far too fleeting to keep you from soaring high.
  • Delight in the unexpected. To live in the moment is to live with a smile.
  • Trickery and deception are but tools to bring joy and merriment to the world.

Notable Relations


  • Jayle - Myrrha is one of few to call Jayle their friend, the two said to frequently discuss trickery with one another, the former occasionally ensuring the latter holds back.
  • Marin - Marin is said to be one of Myrrha's oldest friends, the two nigh-inseparable when together and both immensely protective of the other. 
  • Nazaala - The youthful nature and charge of both Nazaala and Myrrha has long since been the heart of their friendship, the two said to often walk together during mortal gatherings.


  • Zell - While many deities stand tall as beacons for Mortalkind, Marin is one who cares little for such reverence and frequently chooses to challenge Zell on his charge.
  • Ylora - Ever-seeking to maintain a cheerful demeanor, Myrrha has little interest in people who focus tirelessly on their duty, especially one so strict as Ylora.
  • Ilyketh - Known to often bring cheer to her fellow deities, Myrrha has long attempted to sway Ilyketh to the point where she has become almost malicious in her attempts.


Goddess of Delightful Tricks  


Maiden of Pranks
Giggling Bell
Child of the Dancing River  

Moral Compass

Whim & Conscience  


Blue-feathered flute  


May laughter lighten your spirit  








The Cliffs of Delight


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