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Marin, the Queen of the Hunt

Bane of a Thousand Foes

Marin is known as the Goddess of the Great Hunt and is the sixth child of the Orakiah Pantheon.
She is considered the goddess of hunting, traps, and venom.   Marin has almost as many origin stories as the Orakiah Pantheon have deities in their ranks. One speaks of how Oranok wandered through a vast forest and almost stepped on her home. Another speaks of Halanir sleeping amidst a grove of fey magic, a crystal flower blooming to reveal the first of her kind. Despite her many beginnings, each story always speaks of the same wild soul: a huntress traveling the realms, seeking to hone her skills and obtain a trophy from every known creature to have ever walked the lands.


Many would consider Marin the most well known deity when it comes to her true form. Many of her features are bright green, from leaves on her outfit to the glowing moss and markings on her body. Her shimmering wings are almost translucent and are almost impossible to see whenever she's flying. Any armor she wears is made from wood and adorned with crystals and at her side she always carries a crossbow, other weapons often readily available in her other hand or attached to her rope belt.   She's been known to take on other forms while interacting with mortals. This has often been to trick people into underestimating her without giving away her true self, commonly choosing the shape of a gnome or even a goblin. She's well known for always wearing a grin on her face, choosing to always claim high ground and look down upon others whenever possible. The wider the grin, the more dangerous she's said to be as a devious plan begins to form in her mind.


Marin is one of the most cunning and devious of all the deities. Almost everything that she does is carefully thought out and planned down to every last detail. If her plans involve taking down an opponent, it's commonplace for them to suffer a humiliating defeat, preferably in a very public setting. Even without the time to prepare, she always seems to have a trick up her sleeve, knowing just how to overpower her opponent with the tools readily on hand.   Being an experienced huntress, Marin's incredibly knowledgeable about almost every type of creature to be found across all the realms. Her pride can often shine through whenever she gets an opportunity to share her knowledge or a tale of her previous hunts. Even though she loves to employ tricks and traps to capture her prey, remaining hidden as they stumble and fall victim to her cunning, she's incredibly boastful and will certainly let you know that she was the one who bested you, especially if her foe is significantly larger than she.   Marin has little love for following orders, generally doing her own thing without relying on anyone else. Despite her selfish ways, she does care deeply for her fellow fairies and has been known to lend her support to the poor and weak of other races. Showing a great disdain for people looking down on others, she actively encourages mortals to rise up and grow strong enough to strike down their oppressors. Similarly, those who prove themselves true hunters of great notoriety across the world are known to earn her respect, which is considered a very rare gift.


Even though Marin's quick to let her foes know that she's present, she maintains an exceptionally mastery of stealth. Her small size as well as being adept in blending in to her surroundings makes it almost impossible to track her down. As if that wasn't enough, her speed allows her to quickly move from one place to another, luring her foes into the traps that are bound to cover the battlefield. Whether physical and simple, or arcane and intricate, a single misstep can lead to capture by the devilish fairy.   Her arcane prowess extends greatly into fey magic and command over nature. She'll often use illusions to further confuse her enemies and strike from all directions with her deadly aim. Her experience has lead to extensive knowledge on most creatures, allowing her to easily pin point weaknesses and turn their strengths against them. Should she ever think her foe beneath her, she'll often sit back in plain view and call upon wild animals to devour her prey, relishing in the spectacle without remorse.


Much like certain mortal civilizations, fairies commonly look to Marin as their prime deity. Many races of the woods turn to Marin for guidance when it comes to hunting or defending their homes with traps. She's especially popular with gnomes while less so with wild elves. Other keen hunters from around the world like to pay her tribute with trophies from their kills, her followers extending from goblin rogues to noble humans of the wilds. Her most notable followers are rarely seen within civilized lands, only ever appearing to sell their latest price and celebrate their kill.   Her followers commonly share in her defiance of law and order, choosing to take up any means necessary to achieve their goals. While some may walk a noble path and serve their people, others only hunt for the glory of the kill or to sell off rare goods to the highest bidder. Many maintain the boastful nature of their goddess while others remain quite humble about their achievements. Sometimes this is to avoid the public eye but some actively choose to stay silent in honor of their goddess, knowing well enough that they'd never compare to her achievements.  


  • Stand tall and fast. Let not even the greatest of obstacles bar your path forward.
  • Preparation is key. Victory comes to those who measure every option.
  • Wield every advantage. Survival cares not for the morality of mischief.

Notable Relations


  • Jayle - Sharing in their love for trickery and success by any means necessary, Marin shares a strong friendship and rivalry alike with Jayle.
  • Myrrha - Marin and Myrrha are said to be the best of friends, both having taught the other several of their tricks to further enhance their own delight for their charges.
  • Taralon - Few are said to match the hunting prowess of Marin, the only target to have eluded her grasp being Taralon, leading to a deep respect for the wanderer of the wilds.


  • Camus - Only those of true devotion to Marin know of her deep and eternal rivalry with Camus, from whom she is said to have once learned her craft.
  • Sarym - As masters of the hunt with a shared desire for competition, Sarym stands as one of Marin's greatest rivals in the hunt for the largest and greatest of prey.
  • Varin - Although Marin does maintain a personal code, she holds no love for the law and order of civilization which Varin so intently seeks to preserve.


Goddess of the Great Hunt  


Haunting Echo
Fiend of the Woodlands
Grinning Slayer  

Moral Compass

Whim & Goal  


Barbed arrowhead made from a leaf  


Hunter's eye guide your hand  








The Silent Woodlands


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