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Vyse, the Rainbow Artist

Shepherd of the Radiant Touch

Vyse is known as the God of the Vibrant Soul and holds the final seat on the Aalynien Pantheon.
He is considered the god of art, creativity, and passion.   It is said that from the very heart of the Aether sprang forth a soul so bright it blinded even the celestial denizens of the heavenly plane. Only through divine intervention could it take on a new form suited for walking amongst the creatures of the World Tree. This soul would become the passionate Vyse, seeking only to find true beauty in all things. From abstract concepts to the wonders of the world, he hopes to capture the essence of it all in order for all to bear witness to the true light of creation.


If Vyse were ever to take on his true form, myth has it that he would blind all but the most powerful deities. It is widely believed that Vyse is a true child of Cruxis and therefore bears an innate radiance to his appearance, regardless of his attire or shape. To allow him to stand amongst his fellow deities and before Mortalkind, he often commands the visage of an elven man or a son of Aalya. His clothes are always made to be very elegant and constantly shifting in their colors depending on his mood but also due to his frequent joy of painting.   Other depictions of his avatars make him out to be one of many other races, small and large. The only common element is that he carries himself with grace and radiates a bright demeanor. In fact, it is common practice for his followers to create their own depiction of Vyse. These can be paintings, statues, carving, or even just a simple object. For any representation of his form is one that is acceptable in his eyes, never dissuading anyone from expressing their vision of the appearance of a god.


Vyse is generally considered one of the most positive souls among the deities. Rarely does he ever break his smile and he always seeks to bring one to others as well. This goes so far as to also be one of his most annoying traits as his presence can easily wear people out. Always searching for new projects and being extremely excitable has made him a tiring individual to be around for long, most preferring to simply let him do his thing on his own.   However, he is very empathetic to the emotions of others. Never does he dismiss the frustrations of those around him, understanding perfectly well if they ask him to leave them be. Similarly, while he greatly favors a positive outlook, he is deeply caring towards those who long to express their innermost thoughts. Those who feel trapped with something boiling deep in their hearts often come under his watch as he joins them in searching for a way to be free of the burdens that weigh them down.   Although Vyse is a very creative person, all he does is always in service of the heart, mind, and soul. In his eyes, art is to be presented to the world openly without the hands of greed hoping to earn a profit, for spiritual wealth is his true calling. He is also known to very actively seek out and punish anyone trying to suppress others and prevent them from expressing themselves. Only in the presence of such cruelty is he said to become violent, for none may ever stand in the way of personal liberty.


Vyse's most well known talent is his passion for art. While he is most often associated with painting, all types of artistic expression is favored in his eyes and he will always show love to all such creations, be it the most famous artisans or the first drawing of a child. His desire to interpret the world around him has also lead to a powerful mastery of illusions and transmutation in order to create all sorts of displays to both amaze and confound allies and enemies alike.   While he would much rather avoid doing so, he also has the power to affect the minds of others. This is especially true when it comes to his enemies as he can sway them to fight on his behalf. Favoring the free will and strengths of his allies, he avoids using his gifts but does possess the power to inspire them whenever they ask for it. Should he be forced to take up arms, he wields a whip said to be woven from the light of a rainbow but possessing the searing touch of the sun.


Most artists pay homage to Vyse in some capacity, even if they do not hold quite the same values as him. While the most talented often turn to Arreth's more refined ways, many more look to Vyse for inspiration. Certain cultures like to introduce him early to children to teach them how to be themselves by enjoying what they love. He is also highly regarded by those less fortunate with little wealth in their lives but making the most out of what they have. But some of his strongest believers are those who once found themselves lost and obtained peace of heart through his guidance.   His artistic followers often share his deep passion, seeking to capture the beauty around them and bring joy to others. Many seek to travel in search of inspiration, hoping to find something that speaks to them on a personal level and capture its essence with their own unique interpretation. Even those with little passion for art are often honest and bright souls, showing no fear of being themselves even if others think them strange or even outcasts. They similarly always try to help those who cannot find their way, whose hearts are locked away in a prison erected by the people who would deny them their freedom.  


  • Let not your heart be caged by those who would defy your passion.
  • Harness the radiance of all things. Express its beauty through the light of the soul.
  • Admonish those who stain the world of others with the colors of despair.

Notable Relations


  • Zynnah - Vyse is widely considered one of Zynnah's dearest friends as she gave him purpose in ages past and paved the way for their shared love for life's joys and artistic expression.
  • Cira - Stories say that Vyse may be one of few who can perceive Cira's true appearance, his eye for beauty of the soul piercing her divine veil and forging a powerful bond between them.
  • Laressa - Ever fond of stagecraft, Vyse holds immense passion for Laressa's artistic side and wider perspective on the different facets of the many realms of the World Tree.


  • Nox - Due to the rather bland and passive nature of Nox, the noble knight suffers the occasional tricks of Vyse as he attempts to add a dash of color regardless of permission.
  • Ylora - As one devoted to freedom of expression, the stifling nature of Ylora is immensely off-putting to Vyse and he actively seeks to avoid any and all aspects involving her mention.
  • Ilyketh - Despite his bright demeanor, Vyse holds a particular disdain for Ilyketh's apathetic nature and has been said to often attempt to wash away his gloomy exterior.


God of the Vibrant Soul  


Radiance Incarnate
Guardian of the Shackled Heart
Master of Light's Beauty  

Moral Compass

Conscience & Goal  


Swirl of rainbow colors in an orb  


Light of lights embrace you  








The City of Colors


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