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Zynnah, the Spirit of Unity

Kiss of the Wind's Embrace

Zynnah is known as the Goddess of Loving Unity and holds the first seat on the Aalynien Pantheon.
She is considered the goddess of air, love, and music.   The ever-radiant queen of the skies, Zynnah is widely known to be a beacon of compassion, seeking to fill every heart with the joys of companionship. Many tales have been told of curious circumstances bringing the most unlikely people together, her eyes gazing down from up high in search of those who'd join together in perfect harmony. It's said that lovers who stand before her are granted any wish of their heart's desire but very few can claim to have conquered the challenges to do so.


Zynnah is commonly depicted as a young maiden, almost appearing ethereal as she fades into the very air itself. Her long hair shines brightly like the sun as it dances in the wind, her skin like white silk shifting akin to summer clouds. Some like to depict her as a more mature and adult presence, her embrace filled with motherly warmth. Poets like to make her out to be the very sky itself, a clear and sunny day implying her smiling down upon the world.   Her attire is often that of thin layers of white and blue silk, flowing in the wind like the wind itself follows her every move. She's often clad in jewelry and seen carrying a musical instrument of some kind, the most common being the harp. When taking on a mortal form to walk among them, she chooses a shape fitting for the lands she plan to visit, keeping with her youthful appearance or taking on the form of a child with a bright spirit.


Zynnah is widely considered to be one of the most engaging of all the deities, all while making it appear as if she had no part to play in any events thought to be her doing. Many have spoken of how their path was guided by her hand, leading them towards the love of their life, strong bonds of friendship, or discovering a family for those without one. Despite how these events have often seemed quite natural, most people still claim to have felt a gentle push to the sound of a playful giggle on the wind.   But where her engagement truly comes into play are the moments she walks among mortals. From the noblest of families to the common farmer, there have been people telling stories of a young girl stumbling into their lives, innocent and pure, either lending her ear or somehow directing them down a new path, only to vanish with none claiming to know her. No matter how much they searched for the maiden to thank her, they never had a similar experience ever again.   These tales have lead people to believe Zynnah a truly kind and loving person, whose only goal is to bring people together. However, although most speak of the times they were united with others, so too are there stories of people who found themselves parting ways with others. Some claim this to be the failures of a goddess but her followers like to see these events as a chance for true happiness down the road. Accounts have been told of these people receiving her blessing later in life, revealing that despite their distrust she holds no grudge over their harsh words.


Holding dominion over the element of air, Zynnah is believed to wield the power to command the weather and conjure terrible storms should she so desire. However, most claim her to be a pacifist, never wishing to bring harm to anyone, and have bestowed these powers onto others. Nevertheless, the soothing winds are said to be hers alone, bringing a calm and peaceful air to the world and its people. Her musical talents often accompany the gentle breeze of summer and winter alike.   Her true strength is said to be her force of will. Anyone in her presence is said to feel a calm breeze caress their very souls, asking them to let go of their hatreds and seek out the simple joys in life. Her way is one of words and feelings, always seeking to find a peaceful path, only using her mind to command others if all else fails. She's especially passionate about working together with others, offering her support and especially blessing those who've proven devoted to one another.


Zynnah's domain of love in all its forms leaves her in high regards across the entire world. While certainly more popular amongst races like the storm elves, gnomes, and genasi of her element, there are those in every culture who've offered her prayer at least once in pursuit of their happiness. Most of her followers tend to be the youthful souls in search of a companion in life. Many then drift away from her, leaving only those with truly loving hearts staying true to their goddess to the end of their days.   It's common for followers of Zynnah to officiate weddings and other soul bonding traditions of a similar nature but they're not the exclusive choice for such events. Dancers and bards are also quite common keepers of faith in the joyful goddess, easily standing out as the heart of any crowd. This rings true for most of her truly devoted followers, each of them known well for their bright and cheerful demeanor. Much like their goddess, her followers rarely seek to spark conflict with anyone and prefer to solve such issues with as little violence as possible.  


  • Strive to be the light you would want at your side.
  • Find strength and comfort in those you hold dearest to your heart.
  • Let the melodies of the world lift the spirits of you and companions alike.

Notable Relations


  • Zell - Zynnah's strongest bond lies with Zell, her ever-devoted husband and eternal guardian, serving as her right hand since the dawn of Divinity for which she would surrender anything to protect.
  • Cira - Standing both as beacons of peace, Zynnah and Cira are said to have been close friends since the very birth of the Elemental Planes to the point where each consider the other a sister.
  • Erima - Love for all life leads to an especially fierce devotion towards family in all aspects, leading to a strong bond between Zynnah's gentle breeze and Erima's soothing flame.


  • Harakhos - Despite Zynnah's charge of love and compassion for all life, she nonetheless holds great sorrow for beings like Harakhos who refuse to display such emotions toward others.
  • Zhaarn - In a twisted reflection of Zynnah stands Zhaarn, a being full of love for the melodious cacophony he weaves but without any compassion, of which she has tried to redeem in the past.
  • Izrir - Although Divinity is rarely claimed to know fear, Zynnah is said to actively avoid the deceit and vile nature of Izrir while carefully seeking to understand his ancient beginnings.


Goddess of Loving Unity  


Maiden of the Dancing Breeze
Mistress of Wishes
Heaven's Elegance  

Moral Compass

Whim & Conscience  


Golden harp on a cloud  


May love & joy fill your life  








The Fields of Tranquility


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