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Arreth, the Gilded Merchant

The Gilded Master of Civilization

Arreth is known as the God of Artistic Refinement and serves as the third pillar of the Therion Pantheon.
He is considered the god of commerce, greed, and artisans.   One of the first lords of the Nether, Arreth has never sought to take part in the squabbles between light and darkness. Even as a rebellious force stood before his door, he chose to submit without question and waved them off so he might get back to his work. Said to remain within his palace at the heart of the Nether, he continues to refine his craftsmanship and artistic creations, showing little love for anything but his work.


Often thought to appear unrelated to the Nether, Arreth lacks any major features commonly related to the fiendish races. The only hint towards his fiendish heritage is his blackened eyes, leaving many to speculate whether he truly hails from the Nether or not, some depictions even said to bear gilded wings. Others speculate he merely maintains a humanoid form at all times, only a select few having ever seen his true form and choose to keep it a secret.   Arreth's commonly depicted as a man of nobility and grace, his attire crafted by his own hand to fit him perfectly. While certainly one to wear distinguished and regal clothing, many of his outfits also carry a sense of practicality to them, allowing him to always appear noble without hindering his work as a craftsman. His serious demeanor also makes him well known for bearing the same expression across every known depiction, rarely displaying any real emotions.


Above all else, Arreth is widely known for his diligence. It's said that none have ever seen him take a single moment to rest, always hard at work on his next great masterpiece. Even if duty requires him to be elsewhere, his hands will always remain busy with something, regardless of the company he keeps. His desire to continue his work is so great that he'll even refuse to look at someone when speaking to them, seeing no reason to take his eyes off his work except for those above his stature.   Many see this behavior as pure arrogance as Arreth shows little care for anyone beneath him. This is further established by his lack of interest in the world around him. A battle between gods could take place right beside him and he would never bat an eye, focused solely on the work before him. However, those who interfere with his craft will certainly get his attention, followed shortly by a blade piercing their hearts as a result of invoking his ire.   The only true way to reach out to him is to share his passion. Those who pour their heart and soul into their craft have been known to gain his wisdom. However, Arreth's known to be a harsh critic, showing no mercy in judging the work of others, any semblance of praise being exceedingly rare. Despite this, his words come from a passionate heart, wishing only to see the work of others shine brightly and immortalize that which he judges as perfection in the eyes of divinity.


Arreth is regarded as the master craftsman and artist amongst all the deities. His creations are said to adorn the halls of many divine realms, knowing only perfection when it comes to his work. While best known for his arts and more delicate creations, he's known to also forge weapons, craft constructs of war, and shape entire cities, the very plane from which he rules said to have been crafted by him alone.   Having no intention to fight, he enchants his weapons and constructs to fight for him. These are said to wander the halls of his realm, ever vigilant of intruders which they will hunt down without rest. Should his hand be forced, he's said to be an excellent swordsman and powerful mage, conjuring entire armories of weapons to aid him in battle or forcing his enemies to fight amongst themselves by enchanting their armaments to fight in his name.


Arreth is one of the most well respected deities of his kind due to the distance he maintains from the rest of the Nether. Many have taken a liking to his refined and civilized nature, drawing inspiration from his calm and diligent ways. His followers range from artistic souls, whether it's the most delicate art or the construction of entire cities, to those who'd wish to preserve civilization for both good and evil. Anyone's welcome amidst his ranks so long as they have an eye for quality and work towards a civilized world free from primitive savagery.   It's a common thought that most craftsman who reach the pinnacle of their work turn their attention to Arreth. No longer believing that other deities can perceive their vision, they turn to a new master in search of true perfection. His followers will often seem distant and avoid getting involved in any affairs that doesn't relate to their own work. Only exceptions are those seeking to preserve their way of life when laws or chaos alike seek to disrupt their creative vision. A vast majority prefer to settle within the largest and most secure cities, only few venturing out in the hopes of ridding the world of barbaric cultures.  


  • Diligence leads to mastery. Mastery leads to respect. Respect leads to success.
  • Strive for perfection. No creation is exempt from even the smallest improvement.
  • Never sell yourself short. If you excel at your craft you should not do so for free.

Notable Relations


  • Ashnard - The safety of the Lower Planes is said to be thanks to Arreth's efforts, presenting Ashnard with golden gifts to forge a strong partnership.
  • Gerrod - Arreth has a strong appreciation for a creative, yet practical mind, bringing him and Gerrod closer as one of the few he believes to be his equal, perhaps even his superior.
  • Baharan - In a similar vein to Baharan, Arreth cares little for how his charge is upheld, wanting progress above all else, the two industrial minds often hard at work.


  • Vyse - Although Arreth appreciates the creative mind of Vyse, he finds his carefree disposition to the value of his artistic vision an atrocity.
  • Kalama - Thievery is one of the worst crimes in the eyes of Arreth, the foundation for his seething disdain of Kalama and those who follow his example.
  • Xayon - Xayon and Arreth are often compared between their two pantheons, a rivalry of creation and perfection as they both strive to out do one another.


God of Artistic Refinement  


Paragon of Diligence
Lord of Artistic Creation
Sleepless Master  

Moral Compass



Golden quill  


Remain ever diligent  








The Gilded Palace


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