Darkjaw is a short story project set parallel to the events of the Gaiobros DnD campaign, and exists as a spinoff with several characters from it. The titular character of Darkjaw is an evolved version of Sharpjaw, Nick’s DnD character from that campaign that was left in a state of narrative limbo. As such, this story explores my take on what happened to their family unit, as well as play testing my additions and improvements to the Ranger DnD class. This story marks the debut of the WereRanger Archetype, which Sharpjaw embraces and gains the power he needs to explore the untamed, violent potential of his war lord background.
The spin-off is written in a literal & technical way, with brief mixtures of traditional narrative & dialogue woven in between combat.
The spin-off is written in a literal & technical way, with brief mixtures of traditional narrative & dialogue woven in between combat.
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