Browrock Hilltops Biome

The Browrock Hilltops is a rugged and inhospitable region located in the heart of Teslite. This area is characterized by a rolling landscape of steep hills and rocky outcroppings, making travel difficult and dangerous. The hills themselves are composed of jagged rocks and boulders, some of which tower hundreds of feet into the sky. The Browrock Hilltops are home to a hardy and solitary race of gnomes known as Rock Gnomes.
  The Rock Gnomes have made their homes in the cracks and crevices of the rocky terrain, carving out intricate tunnels and caves that are hidden from the outside world. They are known for their exceptional skill in stone crafting and their ability to craft beautiful objects and structures from the rocks and boulders that make up their home.
  The Rock Gnomes are a proud and resourceful people. They have developed unique technologies and techniques to make the most of the limited resources available to them, and they have learned to live in harmony with the harsh and unforgiving terrain. Whether it is harvesting precious minerals, hunting for food, or simply surviving the harsh elements, the Rock Gnomes have learned to persevere and thrive in the Browrock Hilltops.