
The very earth shakes under the feet of those who dare to venture into Flarik, home to the volatile and fiery Cinderlord. The air is thick with the scent of sulfur and the sound of molten rock flowing just beneath the surface. It is a place where danger lurks at every turn, but where one can also find the most skilled and daring adventurers.   Almalwa Flarik Province Firefang Jags Caluan Utharian Sconce 1556 2785   Acentia Flarik Province Firefang Jags Kerrian Wood Elf Utharian Sconce 2389 1185   Nolitacidu Flarik Province Firefang Jags Kerrian Wood Elf Utharian Sconce 732 200   Veliususta Flarik Province Firefang Jags Kerrian Wood Elf Utharian Sconce 6771 261   Emberstreak Flarik Province Firefang Jags Pheoran Fire Elf Utharian Sconce 2863 698 capital   Tsetsayank Flarik Province Firefang Jags Pheoran Fire Elf Utharian Sconce 667 800   Penneth Flarik Province Firefang Jags Vohkin Church of Dhara 4929 946   Manhetford Flarik Province Firefang Jags Vohkin Utharian Sconce 5495 1143   houses the convergence point of the Three Great Peaks and the Three Great Trees