Foyin District

This district is the entry gate and industrial district of the city. It is also where the working military class lives and works. Many of the city's industries are located, such as blacksmiths, tanneries, and mills. The Foyin District, the last district within the main walls is quite small and has the gated tunnel out of the city. There some warehouses, a toll collector, a locked secret passage up to the castle and the Hoofwelt Stables.
  The stables are for visitors to store their horses while they explore the capital. Any goods they bring are placed in a warehouse nearby for processing and taxation.
  The tax collectors work for the wealthy dwarf Oxford Regalsmith, the richest person in the city besides the crown. These collectors take taxes for imports and exports at the city gates.
  Foyin District is located in the northwest part of Skygarde and is primarily known for its bustling marketplace. It is a hub for traders and merchants, who come from all over the continent to sell their wares.
  Other notable places of interest in Foyin District include the Old City Walls, which are now used as a market for second-hand goods. The district also has a popular tavern called the Iron Stomach, which is famous for its hearty meals and strong ale.
  Foyin District also has its fair share of problems. Thieves attempt to take from the heavily guarded warehouses. The Syndicate operates in the area and is constantly causing trouble for the local authorities. The district is also plagued by a number of street gangs, who control the southern part of the district and are known for their brutal tactics.
  The Triade: A group of organized criminals who control the underworld in the district and are involved in smuggling, extortion, and other illegal activities. They are so good at what they do that the High Guard will sometimes hire them to keep the gangs out of wealthy visitors warehouses. The Triade is feared by most of the gangs and has connections with the wealthy.
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