Istam Aja

Istam Aja Dresdon Province Ivoria Terra Elf Church of Dhara 2647 182 port
  Istam Aja is a quiet hamlet nestled in the rolling hills of the Dresdon province in the Ivorian Heathlands. Its residents are mostly Wyndans, and they worship Dhara, the god of Liberation. The hamlet has a dark side in the form of its small but secure jail. This unassuming facility houses the most dangerous criminals in the region, kept under lock and key by the warden, Odrinth. The town itself is surrounded by rolling green hills and dense forests, but it is the ominous presence of the jail that truly sets the tone for Istam Aja. The town is known for its strict order and unwavering commitment to justice, making it a place where safety and security reign supreme.
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