
Nestled on the cusp of the Northern Coast and the enchanting Mooncrest Woods, Merrimere presents itself as a seemingly idyllic town, its facades concealing a sinister secret beneath the veneer of tranquility.   What appears to be an ordinary community is, in fact, tainted by the insidious wendigo curse. Many residents, afflicted by this dark magic, indulge in a horrifying practice—cannibalism. The unsuspecting visitor might find the smiles of the townsfolk disconcertingly warm, not realizing the sinister intentions hidden behind them.   Stricken by their curse, the afflicted inhabitants openly solicit the aid of adventurers passing through. Their pleas for assistance, seemingly innocent, mask a malevolent agenda. Once the adventurers have expended their energies in defense of the town, the cursed residents plan to devour them in a twisted ritual of sustenance.   At the helm of this macabre charade is Ogrul Eest, the Cinnidh Chief, orchestrating the deceitful dance in the name of survival and the unending hunger brought forth by the wendigo curse.       Merrimere is on the border of the Eastern Coast and Mooncrest Woods.​   It is a seemingly nice town.​   many members of the town partake in cannabalism.​   The town's residents are actually wendigo.​   ​They ask adventurers to help so they can eat them.​   The Sisterhood of the Magi live in the forest nearby.​   The residents usually lie to people asking help with hags that live nearby.​   The day long journey there and back usually allows the adventurers free stay in the Merry Merrimere Inn.​   Merrimere Dresdon Province Ivoria Terra Elf Unorthodox Church 12710 164 port
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