Lethe's Waters Second Company

Tucked away in a quiet corner near the edge of Silvermound, Lethe’s Waters Storehouse beckons with its unassuming facade and softly glowing windows. Inside, shelves laden with delicate glass vials containing shimmering blue liquid catch the light, casting mesmerizing reflections across the room. The air is infused with a faint, soothing aroma of wildflowers and mint, a stark contrast to the shop's mysterious reputation. Naturopathic mages, cloaked in robes of woven silk, quietly peruse the shelves, contemplating the transformative powers of Lethe’s Waters—a healing elixir said to mend wounds of body and soul, yet rumored to strip away memories with each sip. Despite its allure, cautious whispers among Silvermound’s medical circles advise against its use, cautioning of its unpredictable effects on the fragile fabric of memory and identity.
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