Ashen Quarter - Swarmstill

This district was once the home of the Silver Scarabs. They were amongst the original 3 desert tribes who founded Silvermound after they watched the stars fall from the moon and create the much needed water at the base of the crater sites. The Scarabs were once a powerful military force but due to politics and the court of public opinion; the descendants of that faction are looked down upon by most people of Silvermound. The Scarabs followed a great general until his disappearance many centuries ago, this led the soldiers to splinter and fray. Both in numbers and in morality. At this point, any Scarabs hold onto that old title simply for a hope of something from the far past that gives their life meaning.   The Ashen Quarter was once called Swarmstill but due to poor upkeep and a lone spark from the Great Blaze over the Mountains in the year 187 of the 5E, the district was burnt to ash and many of the Scarabs died, leaving only a few of the veterans remaining from their fallen order.   The fire brigade lost many volunteers as the oldest district in the crater lit ablaze with years of antiques and scrolls becoming kindling. The grey soot stained the sandstone and the colour burnt to black when Swarmstill set aflame.