Runic Totem

The stories are told of a great calamity that spelled the doom for the ancient world. A storm of ash and soot would choke out the sun and the world was to fall to eruption. 7 great mages joined together to create and place the Runic Totem into the centre of the Firefang Jags. The incantation scribed onto the was a spell to ease the brewing storm in the depths of Galfin. This calmed the volcanic range but at the cost of the initial mages who created the totem. Their power could have directed the world into entirely new directions but they sacrificed themselves and with a powerful surge of magic, turned to stones that still watch over the Runic Totem to this day. 
  Elves of the jags were wild and couldn't interact with other races due to their arduous time that it took to master their dangerous flame magic. Due to this hazard, most Mata Ahi (fire aelves) could not leave their home until after adolescence as only then could their powers be controlled enough not to harm other races. 
  This was until Kerym Fyrian deciphered the Runic Totem and created the Fyrian Tablets. The tablets were used to shape the Ashtorm Branding process where magical tattoos were inscribed on children to control their powers. Through practice they could unlock new techniques described on the tablets. Getting new tattoos as they learned to master new techniques.
Monument, Large
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

Cover image: The Runic Totem