The Edge

The Edge

  A tall mountain at the easter coast of the Firefang Jags​
  it has a sharp cliff at the very peak​
  ​it is used as an execution method for hanous crimes​
  The Edge Garroters hold the executions .​
  The Edge is the towering pinnacle of the Firefang Jags, a natural wonder that dominates the landscape. Its sheer, vertical side drops off into infinity, as if you are standing on the edge of the world. The mountain is a place of great beauty and wonder, but it is also a place of danger and fear. Its challenging and treacherous slopes have claimed the lives of many climbers and adventurers, and it is a place that is respected and revered by those who live in the mountain range.
  However, The Edge is also a place of fear and danger. It is used as an execution method for criminals in the Firefang Jags, and those who are sentenced to death are dragged to the top of the mountain and then tossed off the sheer face of The Edge, falling into a seemingly never-ending pit. This method of execution is harsh and inhumane, and it serves as a reminder of the harsh and unforgiving nature of the mountain range.
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