A small town in the north of Taiseanam, Rymewake is known for the grand tournaments hosted by the House of Dunstead, a powerful noble family with a long history of jousting prowess. The tournaments attract knights and lords from far and wide, and the town is filled with excitement and pageantry during these events.
Town in Taiseanam, Dunstead Hall
Tournament hosted by the House of Dunstead, descend from a great tourney jouster. No longer partake and only host to revel in the spoils of peasant wealth.
Clarence Navon-Dunstead
Nestled in the northern reaches of Taiseanam, the small town of Rymewake is renowned for its grand tournaments, hosted by the powerful House of Dunstead. The town is alive with excitement and pageantry during these events, as knights and lords from far and wide gather to compete in jousting and other tests of skill.
However, behind the glittering spectacle lies a darker truth. The rulers of Rymewake, the Navon-Dunstead family, have become more concerned with ostentatious displays of wealth and power than with upholding the tradition of their forebears. Clarence Navon-Dunstead, the current ruler, is a bloated, self-indulgent man who spends his days feasting and drinking while his people suffer.
Despite the corruption and decadence of their rulers, the House of Dunstead remains a symbol of chivalry and honor in the eyes of many. Their sigil, a well with a jousting stick holding up a bucket, speaks to their long history of excellence in tournament competition. But as the Navon-Dunsteads continue to neglect their duties, many wonder if the House of Dunstead will soon lose its place of honor in Rymewake and beyond.
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