
small village in Fjall
  Sollavikki is a quaint and lively village situated in the heart of the icy, chilly taiga of the Fjall province in Zoa. The town is filled with the boisterous laughter of its residents, who are mostly Zoan, and who hold Dhara in high esteem. The Harrangur of the town, Kaida, is known for her love of festivities and joyous celebrations, which are often held in the town square.
  As you walk through the village, you can't help but notice the blacksmith's workshop, where the sound of metal being worked rings through the air. The blacksmiths here craft high-quality weapons and tools for the town's residents.
  Sollavikki is also home to a bustling port, where fishermen set out to sea early in the morning to bring back fresh fish for the town's markets. The salty sea air blends with the cool taiga breeze, creating a unique and refreshing atmosphere. The town's residents are friendly and welcoming, and they are always eager to share their stories and traditions with visitors.
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