The Basin

  The Basin in Tarnford is an awe-inspiring temple to Sootha the Sea Mother, with its massive dome and intricate carvings depicting the sea and its creatures. The temple is situated on a small island just off the coast, surrounded by crystal clear waters that shimmer in the sunlight. Inside the temple, the air is cool and salty, and the sound of the ocean echoes throughout. The centerpiece of the temple is a massive hole in the floor, leading down into the depths of the ocean below. The hole is surrounded by a circular platform with intricate carvings of waves and sea creatures, and it is said that only the most devout followers of Sootha can safely descend into the depths. The temple is run by Ilya Shorekin, a high priestess of Sootha known for her wisdom and compassion. She and her followers tend to the temple and offer guidance and aid to those who seek it. Many sailors and fishermen come to the temple to pray for safe voyages and good catches, and it is said that Sootha hears their prayers and watches over them on their journeys.
The Basin
Temple / Church
Parent Location
Owning Organization
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