Tiamep Rhytyn, Unspoken of the Hierarch

Unspoken Tiamep Rhytyn

4E 555 - 400
  Tiamep Rhytyn was born to the first Unspoken Ishtar, inheriting her mother’s cunning and ambition. Raised alongside the young Tombking Ammon after the death of Tombqueen Inanna, Tiamep quickly became an influential figure, guiding the young king with a firm yet manipulative hand. Her mother, Ishtar, sought to mold her into a powerful Unspoken, a role she would eventually ascend to with lethal precision. Tiamep's machinations led to the formation of the Tombguard, solidifying her grip on the capital’s temple and its secrets.
  When Ghi'Nan, the first Tombqueen, tried to confront Ishtar about her growing influence over Ammon, it resulted in a violent clash, showcasing Ghi'Nan’s formidable prowess as one of the Six Heroes of Dhara. Despite her wounds, Ghi'Nan managed to kill Ishtar, but her victory was short-lived. Tiamep, driven by her own ambitions, rose to power, ruthlessly eliminating her rivals, including the Four Deathscriers, and securing her position as the Unspoken.
  Tiamep’s manipulative skills saw her bedding the young king, further entwining her influence over him and ensuring her lineage continued. As her power grew, so did her ambition. She sacrificed the Deathscriers to the Moons, gaining prophetic visions that revealed a future of turmoil and treachery. Tiamep's ultimate goal was to control not just the present, but also the future, manipulating events to secure her family's dominance.
  Her relentless pursuit of power led to the betrayal and capture of Ghi'Nan by the Scarab Walkers, who were secretly allied with Tiamep. Ghi'Nan was kept alive, her essence drained to fuel Tiamep's visions. With Ammon as a mere puppet, Tiamep positioned her children in strategic roles within the government, ensuring her family's control over both branches of power.
  As the years passed, Tiamep's thirst for control only intensified. She had positioned her daughter Siduri as the next Unspoken, her son Neith as the next Tombking and her youngest Raabi as the Oligarch. Her downfall came at the hands of a mysterious automaton known as the Timekeeper, who ended her reign of terror with a single, precise strike. Tiamep’s death marked the end of an era of manipulation and bloodshed, but her legacy of power and control left an indelible mark on the history of Calua.
  Her light brown skin and long, dark hair give him a foreboding presence. Her piercing orange eyes, often narrowed in suspicion, reflect a deep-seated contempt for those who oppose the crown. Clad in dark, ceremonial robes adorned with lunar symbols, Tiamep is feared for her brutal enforcement of the Dentorran cult's doctrines.
  465 BHM Inanna (Age 43) dies in the guarded halls of Odell. The Unspoken (Age 66) then takes in Ammon (Age 12) as her own, raising him next to her daughter who was in line to be the next Unspoken. Ammonian Period 464 BHM Ammon (Age 12) becomes the next Tombking, he listens to the Unspoken's Ishtar (Age Slowed 66) daughter Tiamep (Age Slowed 15) without question. Ghi'Nan (Age 131) confronts her eldest daughter about the power she has over the young boy. The Unspoken Ishtar tells the first Tombqueen that she has lost her sight of the country as she wanders the sand looking for answers to the past. 461 BHM The Tombguard and Sandcloaks are formed by Ammon (Age 16) and The Unspoken Ishtar (Age Slowed 70) to protect the Capitol Temple and the Sands of Calua. 459 BHM Ghinan (Age Slowed 136) rallies her other daughters and their children to confront the eldest Quintuplet. There are also loyal Suntek Fire Elves accompanying Ghi'Nan . The confrontation of Ghi'Nan trying to get her daughter to simply guide and not seek power. The Cloaks are well funded by the Oligarch and Tombking. The talks result in violence as Ghi'Nan shows why she was a Hero of Dhara and slays many of the temple guards. Ghi'Nan is wounded but slays her eldest daughter Ishtar (Age Slowed 72) in the battle. The Suntek elves retreat with her back to the Mir'Dhat Acropolis. The Four Deathscriers and their followers surrender to the young Tombking Ammon (Age 18). 458 BHM After a year in jail, Ammon (Age 19) sees that the people need their connections to the ancestors. He frees his distant cousins to return to their homes and work with the Merchant Magnates in charge of each town. Tiamep, the Daughter of the first Unspoken (Age Slowed 21) takes her deceased mother's place. When Ammon sought guidance from his new Unspoken, she laid with him and afterwards told the Tombking that she will handle her Aunts. The Unspoken Tiamep sacrificed the 4 Deathscriers to the Moons and received incredible visions of the future. She saw that Ghi'Nan (Age Slowed 137) would place her trust in the Scarab Walkers currently causing destruction in the southern cities of Calua. She also saw that Ghi'Nan thought the leader was a good man but that is because she is sensing the man he will become. Ammon also declared that the Oligarch and the Tombking cannot be in the same city for risk of assassinations. He announced his Royal Mediator will now communicate the wishes of both government leader between Odell and Cavahn. 455 BHM Ghi'Nan (Age Slowed 140) got a military leader known throughout the desert to assist her in safely speaking to her descendant. The Scarab Walkers agreed to protect the weakened Mystic. Moasis was a well spoken man who was allied with The Sterling Library. His brother Vasien had connections in the capitol and accompanied Moasis. They had crimes in the south of Calua that they wished to be admonished of. Ghi'Nan had become less connected with the ongoing relationships of the world as she frequently got lost in visions with the ancestors. She just had a feeling that Moasis was good inside. The Suntek elves of Mir'Dhat warned her against trusting this soldier. Ghi'Nan told them that no matter what they must trust the Scriptures of the Hierarch. They must protect and deliver the Ancestral Ink to the deathscriers no matter the relationships with the government itself. The Ancestors was the only true way to find the soul of the people. If they can connect with them, then the country always has a chance to return to a good soul. 454 BHM Ghi'Nan (Age Slowed 141) met with her descendant Ammon (Age 23) and her granddaughter, the new Unspoken Tiamep (Age Slowed 25). The Hero of Dhara promised to stop her uprising if the Tombking promised to continue the support of the Sunseekers and their protection of the Ancestral Ink. It was integral to maintain the culture of the nation. Ammon agreed that the Deathscriers were important to his country. Ghi'Nan was then betrayed by the Scarab Walkers as the Unspoken had allied herself with Vasien, brother of Moasis, to have their records expunged so they could begin a clean slate. With no allies, Ghi'Nan was taken into the crypts of Odell to be sacrificed by the Unspoken Tiamep. Ghi'Nan is kept alive as a slow burn of Essence energy to give the Unspoken visions. 449 BHM Neith Rhytyn (Age Slowed 0) is born as a result of the Unspoken Tiamep (Age Slowed 30) and Ammon's (Age 28) secret relationship. Ghi'Nan (Age Slowed 146) is still barely kept alive to give the Hierarch insight into the past and future. 441 BHM Siduri (Age Slowed 0) is born. The girl's mother Tiamep (Age Slowed 38) is too distracted with influencing politics that her daughter is sent to live with a Deathscrier niece out of the capitol. Ammon (Age 36) is mostly a puppet at this point. 435 BHM Raabi (Age Slowed 0) is born and sent to live with the Oligarch. The Unspoken (Age Slowed 44) is attempting to put her family in charge of both branches of government. As much Ammon (Age 42) hated his Great Ancestor Ghi'Nan (Age Slowed 160) for her insurrection, he once believed in the separate branches of government. His partner and him begin disagreeing more. 412 BHM The Unspoken (Age Slowed 67) convinces her husband Ammon (Age 62) to force the Oligarch to to retire and leave their young son Raabi (Age Slowed 23) in command of finances of the Hierarch. 410 BHM Neith (Age Slowed 39) welcomed Tirigan (Age 0) into the world. 408 BHM Siduri (Age Slowed 33) returns to Odell to take over the Deathscrier duties as her mother Tiamep (Age Slowed 71) has now moved entirely out of the shadows and into the throne room. Neithan Period 405 BHM The Unspoken Tiamep (Age Slowed 74) finds her husband Ammon (Age 69) dead on his bathroom floor. Her son Neith (Age Slowed 44) takes the mantle of Tombking, Siduri (Age Slowed 36) is the upcoming Unspoken and Raabi (Age Slowed 30) is the current Oligarch. The Unspoken has completed what her mother could not, placed her family in complete power of the Hierarch. 403 BHM The Unspoken Tiamep allows her son Neith (Age Slowed 46) and Daughter Siduri (Age Slowed 39) to visit Ghi'Nan in the crypts to partake in the ritual to receive visions. He fully believes the only way to stay ahead of other nations is to have this time peaking edge. He becomes addicted to the feeling of receiving these visions. 400 BHM The Unspoken (Age Slowed 79) makes her way down to the crypts of Odell. She goes to gloat to her Grandmother. This is the sweet revenge for Ghi'Nan (Age Slowed 195) killing her mother, the collapse of the government Ghi'Nan began. The fall of her system of balance and the destruction of her legacy. The Unspoken wanted to siphon the rest of Ghinan's power to not only see through time but manipulate it. She began drinking the Ancestral Ink as well as siphoning Ghi'Nan's god blood to the moons. This act gave the Unspoken vivid visions of the past and future. She saw the moon Cresio breaking apart, 3 silvers meteorites crashing into the far past of Silvermound, one more meteorite falling the godless moon Dentorus. She saw the slaying of the Dragon God Synapsid by the Warriors of Dhara and the Kingfishers. She saw Siol extinguish and reignite 6 times. A Green Flame burn the landscape of Galfin and a Blue Witch causing the Seventh Sun. During this vision, Ghi'Nan almost died but the Unspoken was so enthralled that she could not hear the clanging of metal cutting through flesh. She did not hear the screaming of life ripped away by the clutches of mechanics. Suddenly a orange robes man stood behind the granddaughter of Ghi'Nan . Its face cold metal as gears drove it forward. This forged man simply took out a scroll, scratched off a name and punched it's piston driven fist through her back to tear out her heart. Ghi'Nan saw this through her pain and watch as the automaton walked away from the deceased time meddler. This vision filled energy weakened the structure of the crypts. The chains holding one of Ghi'Nan's arms breaks loose in the destruction. She is able to crawl towards the blood of her granddaughter, which now has Ancestral Ink coursing through it. She deathscries just like she used to in the Great Rebellion. She summons the spectral ancestors to aid her in her escape. They free her and she walks out of Odell never to return.


Tombking Ammon Rhytyn


Towards Tiamep Rhytyn, Unspoken of the Hierarch

Tiamep Rhytyn, Unspoken of the Hierarch


Towards Tombking Ammon Rhytyn

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Previously Held Ranks & Titles
479 BHM 400 BHM 79 years old
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