Unbound Region of Vargen

The Vargen province defected from the Joint Armistice Lands as the ogres were too unruly for any lesser king to rule over. The Blood and Blade ogres have their own combined Pillars of Culture that rules as a group.
  The Unbound Region of Vargen is a wild and rugged land filled with swamps, forests, and jagged cliffs. The Ogres who live here are fiercely independent and value strength and honor above all else. Their society is organized around their Chieftain, who serves as both a warrior and a scholar, leading their people in battle and guiding them with wisdom.
  The land is constantly beset by conflicts with neighboring lands, especially the Ivorian Heathlands to the south. Many battles have been fought to maintain their independence from the crown, and the scars of these conflicts can be seen throughout the region in the form of ruined fortifications and scorched earth.
  Despite the danger, Vargen is a place of great natural beauty. The swamps are teeming with life, and the forests are home to rare and exotic animals. Ancient ruins dot the landscape, hinting at the rich history of the region and the many peoples who have lived here over the centuries.
  The villages and settlements of Vargen are rough and tumble places, where the strong and the cunning survive. Life is hard here, but the people are proud and fiercely independent. The largest settlement is the Ogre capital of Varguk, a sprawling city built on the ruins of an ancient civilization. Other notable settlements include the fortified town of Largie and the swamp village of Yelguk.
  The Vargen battles took places over the last 100 years where the mighty ogres fought against the numerous forces of the Crown. The Highking sent waves of army to try and hold the swamp
  5E, 82 - 5E, 177
  Battle of the Withered Grove (5E 111): Thr'Kul-Na, the feared blade ogre chieftain of the Vargen forces, led a surprise attack on Skygarde's forces that were camping near the Withered Grove. The Skytracer general, a cousin to the Highking who was leading the troops, were caught off guard and suffered heavy losses before managing to regroup and mount a counterattack. The battle lasted for two days, with both sides taking heavy casualties. In the end, the Skytracers managed to repel the ogre assault, but not without losing a significant portion of their army. The Skytracer general died in the final stand.
  Siege of Thornhold (5E 122-123): Thr'Kul-Na, the cunning ogre strategist, led a lengthy siege on the fortress of Thornhold, which was the main supply depot for the Highking's forces in the region. The Windslayer family, who were defending the fort, managed to hold out for months, but their supplies were running low. Finally, a relief force from the Skytracer family arrived and managed to break the siege. The ogres suffered heavy losses and were forced to retreat back into the swamplands.
  Battle of the Bloodied Fields (5E 145): The ogres, led by Tor-Muhn'Ra the blood ogre, attempted to launch a surprise attack on the Highking's forces that were crossing the Bloodied Fields, at that time simply known as the Soakfoot Fields. However, the Skytracer family had received intelligence about the attack and were prepared. The ensuing battle was fierce, with the ogres using their size and strength to great effect. However, the crown's forces managed to hold the line and eventually drove the ogres back. The battle left the fields stained red with blood, hence its name.
  Skirmish at Blackwood (5E 184): The Windslayer family, who were tasked with scouting the ogre movements in the region, stumbled upon a small group of Vargen warriors in the Blackwood. The Windslayers and Quickmark soldiers, known for their expert archery, managed to take out several ogres before the rest of the Vargen forces arrived. A brief skirmish ensued, with both sides taking casualties. However, the Windslayers managed to hold their ground and drive the ogres back into the swamps.
  The final battle for Vargen took place in the year 5E, 177, in a massive swamp on the outskirts of the Vargen capital, Varguk. The Skytracer family, supported by the Windslayer warriors, had amassed their largest army yet and marched towards Varguk to crush the ogres once and for all.
  However, the ogres were prepared. Ja'Go-Med and Tor-Muhn'Ra had united the Vargen tribes under one banner, and they had spent years strategizing and fortifying their defenses. The ogres had built barricades and traps throughout the swamp, and their warriors were fierce and determined.
  The battle lasted for three days, with both sides suffering heavy losses. But on the third day, the ogres launched a surprise attack on the Skytracer army's flank, led by Ja'Go'Med himself. The ogres fought with ferocity and bravery, and the Skytracer family was caught off guard. In the chaos, the Windslayer warriors were cut off from the main force and overwhelmed.
  Finally, as the sun set on the third day of battle, the Skytracer family was forced to surrender. Ja'Go'Med and Thr'Kul-Na marched into the Skytracer camp and demanded that the Highking abdicate his claim on Vargen and let the ogres live as their own nation.
  The Highking, realizing that he could not win the war his father started and that his army was decimated, agreed to Ja'Go'Med and Thr'Kul-Na's demands. The ogres had won their independence and secured their place as a powerful nation in their own right. Both ogres claimed the title of Chiefain. The tentative alliance was distrubed immediately when battle between the two claimants happened after the enemies left. Ja Go Med got the upper hand and killed his former ally. The way this battle happened is told differently by the Blades and Bloods. Bloods believe Ja'Go-Med betrayed the elder Tor-Muhn'Ra, while the Blades believe he won in fair combat.
  Despite the initial peace agreement that formed the Joint Armistice Lands, the Vargen Swamplands have managed to break free in the present day. The ogres, who had fought numerous wars against the armies of man, eventually gained their independence from the Joint Armistice Lands. They established their own country, known as the Unbound Region of Vargen.
  Driven by their desire for autonomy and independence, the ogres successfully fought for their freedom from the Joint Armistice Lands, breaking away from the unified alliance of regions. The Unbound Region of Vargen now stands as a sovereign nation, separate from the other six regions, with the ogres exercising their own rule and governance.
  This development has had significant repercussions on the political landscape and dynamics within the Galfin mainland, as the Unbound Region of Vargen charts its own path and deals with its unique challenges and opportunities. The other regions, remaining within the Joint Armistice Lands, have to navigate the changes brought about by the Vargen Swamplands' secession, reshaping the balance of power and relationships among the different lands.
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