The Vargen Swamplands

The ogres of Galfin are similar to humans, even though the humans would say the ogres are savage and territorial, who is to say the humans are any different? The blade ogre race is the green-skinned ogres who live mainly in the swamps, the brute ogres used to live in the swamplands but were mostly exterminated in Ug-Col’Ek's genocide, few of the yellow-skinned ogres escaped the annihilation so an albino ogre is a rare site nowadays. The blood ogres are an aggressive red-skinned race living in the Vargen South but they also have ancestry in the Wastes of Nairgo.   Ug-Col’Ek has taken over all swamp and forcibly ended tension by killing a whole subrace of his own kind. Many monsters wander the swamplands at night so it is best to travel in a pack or at least with someone slower than you. If you do get stuck at night, a torch might not save you. It could actually kill you as many areas of the swamp are under a fire ban as the swamp gas is very flammable.   The main human population is of the daijin ethnicity. They are very intelligent for their lack of technological resources. Inventing things like boomblasters and glass grenades. Their weapons all utilize the explosive gases of the swamp.   gained independence years after Ella's conquest. The ogres and people here were hard to rule over, from both the wealthy Skytracers and battle hardened Windslayers.
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