Mako Tiburan’s Story

  • 210 AHM

    12 Glaciate

    The Battle of Rockmead
    Military action

    Snakeroot, Birchbreaker and Belle arrange to be flown back to Rockmead. Staging point of the invasion. Charison marches to the staging point of fighting. Rockmead Rockmead: Snakeroot, Belle, Birchbreaker, Midge, Talon, Charison, Mako (Youth wanting to help, can help them get through water), Aero, Crea, Billium.

  • 210 AHM

    42 Glaciate

    Battle of Dresdon
    Military action

    The final Mainland battle during the Hearthic Invasion. This last push by the Galfin Army to make the Sons of Hearthen retreat back across the ocean to their home continent.   Battle of Dresdon causes Hearthens to flee home (Ronnall, Willord and Makimoff. Crea, Mak and Emben killed)

  • 211 AHM

    13 Rainfall

    The Brave Distraction

    Daxo distracts a group of minotaurs as the group continue to search for Teyranus. Daxo is captured by Crios.

  • 211 AHM

    14 Rainfall

    The Fall of Hearthen
    Military action

    A legion of mountain trolls guard the stairs to the church, this is where Teyranus is.   A battle ensue as the group makes their way to the stairs without an exit strategy.   Trineign easily kiils Malstrom. Group runs to the church to finish Teyranus. Churh has 4 old trees acting as internal pillars.   Mountain trolls close in on the party.   Billium breaks into the church. They lock the strong doors behind them.   Teyranus Donnich Gabriella and Ashaven Protectors stand in front of them.   Teyranus continues working away on battle plans. Not even acknowledging the group of heroes.   Battle ensues between heroes and protectors. Belle-Dieta, Ashra-Franine Pitre-Billium Connor-Talon Warren-Mako Gabriella-Snakeroot Donnich-Charison   Birchbreaker walks up to Teyranus, he lazily grabs his broadsword.   He attacks fast, birchbreaker defends   Everyone is holding their own.   Birchbreaker is knocked from the balcony as snakeroot takes out Gabriella   Snakeroot yells at Charison to shoot the stained glass. Light beams down on Birchbreaker as his Chlorohealing kicks in.   Birchbreaker defeats Teyranus in Ashaven inside First Church   All of the hearthen stop fighting to watch ther leader cling to life on the ground.   The mountain trols are almost through the door   The Ashaven Protectors cower through an old escape route. The group gladly cower right behind them   The Trolls burst through the door and the Mainland team isn't through the opening. Snakeroot stays behind.   Snakeroot bravely kills dozens of attacking trolls with his daggers.   Trineign grabs a trolls spear and impales Snakeroot.   As Snakeroot sees Birchbreaker, Charison and Belle get through the exit, he hurls his daggers at the front tree pillars.   The fast acting poison withers the old trees away and the building starts to collapse. Snakeroot lie there as he sees a large rock crush Trineign.   The others narrowly escape as the root forms the trees disappear and the hill starts to collapse upon itself.

  • 211 AHM

    17 Rainfall

    The Return Home

    The heroes embark back to Galfin. Billium discusses Crow with Talon.